Nothing helping tooth pain

Posted By Jaime (Airdrie) on 07/02/2012

To whom it may concern, My name is Jaime and I have had oral health problems since I was very young. I have always had extremely sensitive teeth and when I was a child I would frequently get cavities (6 at one visit happened more than once and I had two root canals).

Since childhood (I am now 23) I have improved my diet a great deal. I study holistic nutrition and I have a mostly vegan diet (I do occasionally eat fish, eggs, butter, cheese, and poultry). I do consume a lot of vegetables and very little sugar (no refined except the occasional bit of bread or some such carb).

I take a wholefoods bone supplement as well as vitamin D. I brush with a mixture of coconut oil and essential oil and do oil pulling with olive oil and oil of oregano. At my last dentist visit I did not have any cavities. I have braces when I was about 18, which also corrected a mis-aligned jaw.

However, I had a tooth infection for about a year (it was ignored by my dentist despite many visits about the pain) that I finally cleared up 6 months ago with antibiotics (after oil pulling and a blended tincture of Osha, Goldenseal, and Myrh).

For the last week I have been having tooth pain sneak back up on me beginning in the area of the first infection, but now it feels as though it has spread and takes up three teeth on the top left (the inital tooth and two more teeth side by side of eachother but a tooth apart from the inital) and one tooth on the bottom. Instead of feeling like air sucking through a hole or extreme sensitivity to temperature this pain feels like an ache, some temp sensitivity, and very very intense bursts of pain that extend up the nerve and feel as though someone is touching the nerve directly. The pain also cause ear pain in the left and massive headaches.

I am still doing oil pulling with little effect. Applying peppermint, garlic, clove, or myrrh to the area does not seem to help at all and taking pain killers has no effect.

I am in unbareable pain and I am not sure what to do.

I also have some gum recession (they had to cut the joining gum-lip skin when I got my braces and my dentist felt it was the main culprit) and I have sensitivity to touch and temperature on many of my teeth at the gum line (which my dentist says it peculiar for someone my age).

Is there anything you can recommend because I feel like I have went in every direction I know to go and I am not even sure if this pain is infection or what... I spoke to many people who said a dentist recommended root canal for an infected tooth but after the infection was cured they were able to keep the tooth as it was without further intervention.


Replied by Oldriska (Prague, Czech Republic) on 07/02/2012

I hear you, Jaime! Teeth can be troublesome and their pain is among the worst one can experience. The best thing you can do in this case is to see your dentist and the sooner the better. Make her/him take x-rays of the area where you feel most pain. If nothing shows on the x-ray, you'll need a panoramic x-ray. Be persistent with your dentist as it does sound you have a tooth infection (especially considered the tooth was infected before) and at this stage it should be visible on the x-ray. The people you spoke to are right, most people are able to keep their teeth after root canal. Most dentists do root canals as a standard procedure. After my experiences I'd probably choose a dentist who specializes in endodoncy (the branch of dentistry that does root canals) and uses a microscope. It's more expensive, but it's worth every penny. Good luck with your treatment, I hope you'll feel much better soon!

Replied by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 07/08/2012

Raw Garlic!! Works every time for me. Peel a clove and slice a thin piece lengthwise, place it between your gum and cheek. Make sure the side that is sliced is facing your gum. I leave it in overnight to reduce and alleviate pain and swelling. Do the same each night until it is gone if necessary. It burns, and sometimes it turns your gum white and causes some peeling, but that is all temporary, nothing permanent. I swear by it, it's saved me many times. I just can't recommend it enough. Good luck to you.

Replied by Cate (Melbourne, Vic., Australia) on 07/21/2012

Jamie, as a vegan you're doing yourself enormous damage. I was a vegetarian for years, I weakened everything- immune system, mental strength, digestion, you name it. I had two root canals which have both since been removed- and with them went my chronic back pain.

My diet is now "Primal", also known as paleo, caveman, ancestral etc. Bone broths are always on my stove, my health is incredible and I don't expect any more dental visits for life now (barring some accident).

Your body is screaming for you to wake up and nourish yourself. Teeth have a mineral store that the body uses up to cope with malnutrition.

Please look up 'The Vegetarian Myth' on Amazon, and for nutrition/health knowledge that will literally see you in to amazing health and longevity. I'm 100% confident these points will recharge your life and health as they have done for me.


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