Nothing Has Helped My Lipomas So Far

Posted By Harry (Australia) on 01/02/2016

I have lipomas all over my body, especially on my both arms. I got checked from lab it is not cancerous. I got removed three lumps on my left arm as a result left with ugly scars. I have lipomas in my stomach few on chest. many on my back and few in my thighs. It started appearing while I was 15 years old. This is a genetic disease given by one of my parent my mother and her father as my grandfather also has these ugly lipomas. But they don't have many as I have. My body have multiplied a lot of these. I have tried homeopathic but all in vain. I tried ayurvedic but nothing positive. now I am still in search of a proper treatment. Apart from this ugly disease I never had any problem while performing exercises and doing sports. I am a good swimmer, do old school gym. Lift heavy weights. The only problem is bad appearance of these lumps. May be it will go to grave with me but it does not matter. God bless us all.

Replied by Alok Khatuwal (Jaipur) on 04/23/2016

Use apple cider vinegar for removing lipoma. and also use chickweed for best results.

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