No appetite and need to know how to stimulate appetite

Posted By Kaur (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) on 09/08/2014

I have no appetite to eat, what should I eat or do that might help me feel hungry and want to eat more?

I need a quick response please. Thanks.


Replied by Scott (Denver, Co) on 10/04/2014

A few things pop to mind.

1) Candied ginger cubes. Eat five or more about a half hour before you eat a full meal. Your appetite should skyrocket.

2) Gentian. It's a very bitter herb that stimulates digestion and prepares the body to absorb food. It's hard to find a tincture made purely with gentian, even in the best of health food stores, but tinctures like Swedish bitters are easy to find. Of course, you can make your own gentian tincture pretty easily if you want and you have the time. Gentian also comes in very handy when you eat too much and your meal feels like a brick in your stomach.

I hope these help.


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