Needs surgeon to repair hiatal hernia

Posted By Jenny (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 09/08/2014

Please help. Can anyone tell me the name of a good surgeon who can repair a hiatal hernia? I have a rolling hiatal hernia. It's making my life miserable, sometimes I feel like I don't want to live anymore. I get Globus (feeling something is stuck in my throat), chest pain, nausea and acid reflux. I have lost 40 lb in weight. The acid reflux has burnt my throat and I have lost my voice 2 times. I would be so grateful for any information. Thank you.

Replied by Toni (Charlotte, Nc) on 05/12/2015

Jenny, I was just introduced to this site today, found a lot of interesting remedies. I too have a sliding hernia accompanied with acid reflux! So here's where it gets tricky. In 2011, I had surgery to repair this hernia and acid reflux and guess what, it has not worked! So, all I'm saying is please get a second opinion before You go through such an evasive procedure, that may or may not work. My life hasn't been the same and eating and most of all sleeping, will never be the same. I'm almost sure, I may need a second surgery and although I'm miserable, dealing with the hernia, acid and asthma, just don't have the trust! Please do Your homework, if You've haven't already took the plunge.

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