Need to Figure Out Why Daughter is Having Problems Urinating

Posted By Teli (Chicago) on 11/15/2015

mystery diagnosis - I'm desperate!!!

My 17 year old daughter started having problems urinating 2 years ago. She gets the urge to go but she can't, it's like something is blocking her urine from coming out. I took her to the emergency room more than 6 times in the past 2 years and still they don't know what is causing this. The last diagnosis was that her bladder is shaped some kind of way and she is scheduled to learn to catheterize her self which has her very sad and worried! I hope someone is able to help me out because this is killing me.


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/16/2015

Hello Teli,

I bet your daughter has an infection which is causing swelling. To see if that is the problem consider having her orally consume two tablespoons of Colloidal Silver twice daily for a week. If improved then I'd keep it up for a month. Likely the case if she had a fairly serious infection prior to the start of her symptoms over this issue. You can get CS from most health food stores or on line.


Replied by Anon (Usa) on 11/15/2015

Call the National Kidney Foundation and ask for advice or consult an Urologist in your area?

Wishing Your Daughter Well!


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