Need information have been experiencing breast discharge

Posted By Cassie (Lancashire, England) on 07/23/2012

Hi, I was wondering does anybody have any information/experience in relation to nipple discharge. It is yellow/milky in appearance and seems appear consistently in both breasts most of the time although occasionally it will appear in one and not the other. I was referred to a breast clinic by my doctor and had a mammogram which came back as normal and also prolactin levels were normal. They sent back my results to the doctor but I haven't been back to see her yet as to be honest to brutality of the mammogram would nearly put me off having any more tests done. I was talking to her receptionist and she gave me the results over the phone but never requested that the doctor wanted to see me again or anything and to be honest I nearly find that I am always having to chase my doctor to get anywhere. It's definitely getting me down. Does anybody know if any diet/foods could be causing the problem. I have cut out caffeine in the forms of tea/caffeine, chocolate, cola which seems to have helped some. It is nearly always there in the morning and can appear spontaneously when I check throughout the day. Any information would be helpful.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/25/2012

Cassie, I assume your not currently in some stage of pregnancy??? Are you taking any prescription or otc meds??? If you have access to affordable health care try and see an Endocrinologist and have some analysis done as this condition is likely hormone related. Maybe something in your diet (soy), or environment affecting your hormones causing production and release of milk. It could also be an effect of inflammation; if so, supplement Flax and Fish Oil. Evening Primrose or Black Currant Seed Oil is also good for many female problems.

Replied by Cassie (Lancashire, England) on 07/25/2012

Hi Timh, Many thanks for your reply. Very valuable feedback indeed. I am 36 years of age and am not pregnant and have never been. I don't take any medication. The discharge started simultaneously in both breasts about a year ago at which point I went to the doctor, however, I am just managing to get the issue resolved now, as when I first contacted her she said it was "normal" as long as it was coming from both breasts and there was no blood! So I'm afraid I left it another 6 months before I went back. The appointment for the mammogram took 3 months so I would expect to be waiting a similar amount of time to see any other specialists if it is not considered urgent. Just out of interest what hormones would you be talking about. Thanks again for your valued response and I think I'll have to get back to chasing my doctor.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/26/2012

Cassie, your symptoms admit hyper reaction which could be excess Estrogen. Very often Estrogen excess is a result of fatty liver or gallstones (which also cause inflammation and high cholesterol and/or triglycerides in the blood). Are you overweight? Have problems losing weight??? Fatigue??? Try some Apple Cider Vinegar to stimulate digestion and metabolism. Try some Evening Primrose Oil to help your body balance the Estrogen.

Replied by Cassie (Lancashire, England) on 07/27/2012

Hi Tim, I had a blood test done a couple of months ago for prolactin, thyroid etc which the doctor later said was o. K. I do remember the nurse checking the box on the form for ENDO at the time she was taking blood as I said I would like to get my hormones checked. The Doctor never remarked about the hormones result, so I presume it would have been o. K. She did say that the cholesterol was a bit high, but I don't think it was anything to worry about no medication was prescribed or anything like that. I was waiting for the nurse to ring me back today just so I could double check the hormones result for you on that test, however, she said that she was unable to do it and that I would need to make an appointment to talk to the doctor regarding it, so I am not sure definitively about the hormones but like I said I presume she would have contacted me initially if there was a problem. With regard to a fatty liver I am about 2 stone overweight - but then I always have been, but have a medium build. I do suffer from stress but I have never smoked and don't drink

Since your post I began thinking back to other changes in my body and I do now recall that a number of changes happened all within approx. A 12 month period about 2 years ago. These included migranes, heavier periods , more noticeable body hair, grey hairs began creeping through, and then some time later the breast discharge started. I never at the time linked them but maybe they are related. I also suffer with acne at the top of my back, but have this since my teens.

I have always been a big fan of dairy and never touch soya milk or any soy products. I have noticed that since giving up caffeine products the discharge doesn't seem to be anywhere near as bad in the morning maybe this is the absence of caffeine, maybe it is as a result of taking on board less milk through zero tea/coffee intake, or maybe it could just be less tap water absolutely horrific and quite often has a "boil" notice on it regarding use. However the discharge is still appearing spontaneously throughout the day. There is no redness/rash/burning or other visible signs on the outside of the breast other than the discharge itself which is odour free and just disappears once clothing is placed on the breast - no stain on even black underwear and no residue seems to be left on the breasts afterwards either just vanishes, so I think you might be right as regards milk production. Sometimes I will actually know when I am getting the discharge as I can feel a running/movement sensation on the outside of the breasts and the same sensation behind the nipples most commonly after I eat or drink something but not the case with all foods. With regard to liver problems/gallstones I never experience any abdominal pain or anything like that.

With regard to your recommendation of cider vinegar I am afraid that a couple of months ago I damaged some sensory nerves (botch job with an ice pack embarrassingly enough) and the doctor has now prescribed some lyrica, partly I think she hopes will treat anxiety - she had prescribed some anti-depressants early last year, however, I was unable to swallow with them and discontinued use. Anyway, I am guessing the vinegar is acidic, and I read an article here on earth clinic from a woman who had nerve damage and recommended an alkaline diet, although small amounts of the vinegar might not do any harm.

I have been taking flaxseed oil supplements occasionally (consisting of 1000mg flaxseed oil , 900mg ALA omega 3 and 20mg Vit E) but I can't say that there has been a noticeable improvement . I said earlier that I suffered from quite heavy periods but I should add that they have always been regular.

I think I have included all relevant details. Thanks again for getting back to me.


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/28/2012

Cassie, as a kinda blanket approach to an individual and specific illness, I see your condition as ultimately something to do w/ metabolism (glands & hormones) inflammation (sensitivity, allergy, etc. ) or infection.

All good naturalpath physicians recommend a good colon cleanse, gallbladder cleanse at the mid-life, as well as an anti-parasite regimen. Without these cleanses any progress for healing is very hampered, so definitely consider these. Epsom Salt Baking Soda hot baths are good for whole body detox as well as alkalizing. Iodine supplementation is good for metabolism as well as fighting infection. Grapefruitseed Extract or Olive Leaf Extract are good natural antibiotics. Pineapple and Turmeric are good for reducing inflammation as well as your Flax Oil. Cold Showers have remarkable whole body & mind effects. Everything I mention is here on E.C. So spend some time on here as well as the docs in your area; and be persistent until you get some resolve as things can, and do have the potential to go the bad way.

Good luck to you and post your progress or changes.


Replied by Cassie (Lancashire, England) on 07/29/2012

Hi Tim, Thanks for reading my menacingly long post and for your in-depth answer. I will go back to the doctor this week. However, I forgot to ask something else regarding the breast issue. After I had the mammogram about 4 weeks ago (torturous mammogram it was), I developed a terrible burning sensation across both breasts. It went for a while and I thought it had gone for good, but now after adapting my diet for the breast discharge it seems to be back. I can't find anything on the site specific to mammograms. Do you have any ideas how I can get rid of it for good. I read about baking soda baths but I'm afraid I don't have a bath just shower! Anything I can take orally. Please keep it simple as some of the products mentioned on this site won't be available this side of the pond. By the way after cutting out caffeine and tap-water for over a week the discharge seems to have reduced significantly. Thanks again.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/30/2012

Cassie, the X-ray seems to be the culprit in this case; as a body not well mineralized will sponge up the radiation. In this case, begin a regimen of equal parts baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and sea salt; mix 1/2 or 1 spoon and stir in filtered water 4oz and drink 2 or 3 times daily. As baking soda is prescribed for radiation poisoning, you could also use as a poultice or warm bath towel over your affected area to neutralize the toxins. Also for the removal of radiation or other toxins, Brown Seaweed or Sodium Alginate orally is highly recommended. The herbs Sarsaparilla and Chaparral are also indicated. The fiber from fruit "pectin" is also indicated for R removal.

Sorry for the EU ban on herbs in the UK so I don't know what you can obtain. I hope these natural products get back on the shelves again because they are not harmful; it's political dominance for big money and we the people pay the price.

Any form of minerals you can get in your area and in your body will benefit. The Sea Salt is a good start for major and trace minerals.

Hoping the best for you. Keep posting your progress.


Replied by Floui (New York) on 11/16/2012

Hello Cassie, I am suffering from chronic eczema along with hives. I have similar breasts situation as you. Does your breast( the one that oozes more) hurts or swell? My leaft breast started as an itch which I had it 8 years ago due to eczema, but now I can't recover from this itch and gradually it became worst with the non stop oozing and swelling. The other breast has a bit of oozing but no swelling.

My gynae doesnt think I need MRI. She doesnt even know what hives was, I had to spell it out for her. Her response was never heard of it. Oh well, I m living in Brunei where doctors here are questionable with their professions. I cant find enough information on the web similar to my condition. I am hoping today, I get an MRI.

Thanks in advance. Floui


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