Need help for staph infection i had for 2 months

Posted By Demi (Queensland, Australia ) on 11/14/2011

I've been trying to treat my staph infection for up to 3 months now! I've had 5 lots of antibiotics, am using a bacterial face wash and honeybee wax to calm it down while taking bio-zinc and it's not getting any better!!

It's around my eyes, especially below my right eye is the worst. And the lid of my left eye. HELP!! It is itchy, the medication makes me feel sick and nothing is working, its been too long and I'm only 17!!


Replied by Jessica (Ridgecrest, Ca) on 11/16/2011

My daughter had a large acne cyst on her face... The size of a quarter. She found on THIS site people using Air Born. She didn't have any, so she used large amounts of vitamin C. She said the cyst started to disappear in hours and was gone the next day. It couldn't hurt!

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