Need Help for Chronic Severe Nasal Congestion

Posted By Pianoasis (Florida) on 08/26/2015

Hi and thanks for viewing my post,

I've had severe nasal congestion issues for the past 2 years now. I kept telling myself that it would eventually go away but simply will not. In fact, it has only gotten worse.

I spend the majority of my day mouthbreathing. God bless the few moments of nasal clarity that I get, yet these moments are still less than ideal as I will only have one clear nostril or will experience inflammatory pain whilst inhaling.

I've gone to the doctor and they only prescribe unpleasant chemical sprays that multiply my issues tenfold once I stop using them. I've tried their decongestants, their antibacterial sprays and so forth. None of it works.

It has been two years since I've experienced a carefree day where I don't have to worry about my voice sounding nasally or my mouth being dry when I wake up. For most of my day my nostrils are useless. They are completely stopped up right now and will remain so for hours and hours and quite possibly the rest of the day. I am so tired of it and the negligence of the so called "doctors" that make ludicrous paychecks for selling poison... I'm seeking a holistic and earthly solution. Diets, small remedies, concoctions, what have you. I am willing to try anything for the freedom of breathing through my nose again.


Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 08/27/2015

HI U Pianoasis, , , , , , , , , , tell you what I do and you make a decision. First, buy you 3% H2O2 and cut it in half with distilled water. Spray this 3X in each nostril several times a day.

At night, put this in a humidifier and sleep under this mist.

As far as sounding nasal, I was reared in South Arkansas and that the way we sound regardless of our nose problems.



Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/27/2015

Hello Pianoasis,

Re your sinus condition...

I've seen this description a hundred times and always recommend you consider learning the irrigation method of using colloidal silver.

Silver kills infections of virus, bacteria and fungus and yours sounds like a sinus infection causing your problems. I've treated myself with CS countless times.

I have an ear syringe and use CS to squirt into the sinus cavity. It will sting mainly on one side which is the side of the dominate infection.

I also squirt into the ear canals. I repeat four or five times for a severe infection. Usually I knock out the infection by the second application. Some infections last longer and so repeated applications of the CS are necessary. Only twice has CS not worked and I used a light solution of Borax which did the trick on that kind of infection.

You can get CS in most health food stores or on line.


Replied by Myway (Usa) on 08/27/2015

Dearest Pianoasis - I feel your dilemma because my allergy induced asthma was made worst by chronic nasal congestion - and here is how I got rid of my problem.

Blackseed Oil (nigella saliva). I take one tsp in am and one tsp in pm with water. It's pretty potent stuff but I'm so use to it - plus, I've never breathed easier in my life.

when I started taking Blackseed oil, any and all mucous came out of my body the first two days - so be prepared. Start on a weekend. Also, if you have a sensitive stomach, eat something first.

Anyway, now my eyes don't water, I breath wonderfully - it's amazing how well I feel.

All the best - you can lick this problem!

MyWay :D


Replied by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 08/29/2015

Glad you overcame your chronic nasal congestion.

Do you still take the black seed oil to maintain the improvement? Tx, Larry


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