Need to Heal Brain Aneurysm and Bad Heart - Please Help!

Posted By Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 12/24/2015

Over the weekend I was in the hospital. My bp was 220/105 and I felt terrible. But I believe I caught whatever was about to happen to me. After an Angiogram, I was told that I grew another brain aneurysm.

My poor son was devastated by the news as well as I. I also saw a Kinesiologist/Chriopractor who also told me I a bad heart as well. The news devastated me as well. The Kinesiologist told me he could help me for a mere 500.00 for an hour and a half. He would need to see me a few times.

I cried so much until this morning when I woke up. It is up to me to do the very best to try and heal myself. I have fungus in my body, bacteria in my stomach and bone trouble as well.

Where do I start? I want to fight for my life. If you can help me I would surely be grateful to you all. I know I need to start with a very good fish oil. This Kinesiologist tested one on me that made me a lot stronger but did not know what it was.

God bless you and take care. Mary


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 12/25/2015

OK Mary, now that the fear has subsided a bit, begin your determination to get well again as a challenge and you are up for it.

First in order is clearing & strengthening the cardio system, to the Fish Oil I will add Selenium, Broad Spectrum Vit-E, CoQ10. Hawthorn Berry and Carnitine are also very important for the arteries & heart.

Do the artery cleanse as well as other remedies here

Any more question or updates are welcome as there are several good folks here to help as their knowledge & experience has served them well.

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Replied by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 12/27/2015

Dear Tim H. I already started the Heart cleaning as you suggested and started walking as well. Thank you so much for your help. I will keep drinking that cleanser for the heart or I forgot the name sorry. Please take care.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 12/28/2015

You are very welcome as it is rewarding seeing folks improving with natural remedies. I have lost 2 dear relatives of early death by heart disease back in the days before solid science, and the folk remedies were not sufficient and uncommon, and so people had very little hope.

Do let us know your progress and also try and find some time for reading here on E.C. about your infections and the cleanses & remedies for that. Don't hurry but be steady and the momentum & confidence will increase as you apply the correct treatment protocols.


Replied by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 01/21/2016

Tim H,

A Neurosurgeon from University of California at San Francisco contacted me to tell me he received my films of the new brain Aneurysm. He said it was broad and maybe that's why the old doctor who operated on the first one did not want to operate. He said he wanted to give me another Angiogram but this time put dye into it to get a better look and then the next day do brain surgery again. He wanted to clip it. I asked him will I be the same way I am today. He said, "you should be". How can he know that for sure? I am terrified but think maybe I better let him do it again. I don't know what to do but have been exercising a little more now. I did the heart cleanse and am thinking of doing it again. I don't know what to do.

Thank you so much again. Blessings, Mary


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 01/23/2016

Mary: At this far down the road in the disease process it may be necessary to go with the surgery so as to avoid a sudden event.

To reduce complications of surgery I would suggest first doing some pathogen killing as infections cause inflammation and inflammation causes cell damage, disease, and cancer. Common herbs for infections are Garlic, Oregano, Oregon Grape, Grapefruit Seed. These herbs will take a few weeks or months before most of the infections are gone.

Weak & damaged tissue is also I sign of low antioxidant status. In the case of arteries in particular, Hawthorn Berry and Grapeseed Extract greatly strengthen them. You must also take the combination of Selenium, Broad Spectrum Vit-E, and CoQ10; these are very, very helpful to the entire cardio system. In many cases of weak arteries is a Zinc/Copper/Vit-A deficiency, so it also very important to take these as a supplement at recommended doses.

I know this seems like taking too much pills but until you recover it will be necessary then you can back off from therapeutic doses to preventive or small doses.

If you do elect on surgery, you should discontinue Garlic, Vit-E, Fish Oil, or any blood thinners like Cayenne, White Willow or Aspirin, Ginkgo Biloba for a few days prior. Another item before surgery is to reduce inflammation. Magnet therapy is very good for this. Place a refrigerator magnet on your head and stabilized by a tight fitting cap or scarf for several hrs per day. This may sound strange but it is very effective for all cases of inflammation and in my own experience all benefits with zero bad side effects. I use magnets on my organs mainly but all over as per my condition. Do not fear doing this. I use strong magnets almost daily on my head, eyes, ears to reduce damage and promote healing.

One last item is it seems you are high in stress and this is not good in any case. So you must learn some basic relaxations techniques, meditation, etc. The walking you do is good for this. To reduce stress and strengthen the cardio you should listen to healing music using headphones for at least 30 minutes per day. Here is a good one:

Let us know of your decision or further guidance and know there are good folks here that will hope for your successful recovery. Have faith in these proven natural remedies and the body's ability to heal itself and try and stay positive.

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Replied by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 01/25/2016

Dear Tim H,

I want to thank you so much for all the great information you gave me. I decided I will go through the surgery. I feel that I have no other choice. You know Tim I believe angels come to Earth to help and you are one. So many people help here but you were the only one who gave me great advice. I thank you with all my heart and please take care.


Mary M.

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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 01/26/2016

Mary: Your gratitude will proceed you in your journey. Hope you have no lack of support before, during, and after Surgery. Juicing would be recommended during this time to get your body in the best of shape. Green foods are high in Vit-K which is necessary for blood clotting. Do add some healthy spices like Oregano, Thyme, and Turmeric which kill infection and reduce inflammation.

Praying for your best. Come back here to update us and in time we can restore your health in the days & yrs to come.

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Replied by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, Ca) on 11/11/2016

Dear Tim I owe you a great apology. I am healed of a brain aneurysm and it was because of your wonderful help. I thanked the wrong person although he has been quite helpful too. You really gave me a great "don't give up" inspirational post. It helped me tremendously. I am so grateful to you for your kindness and love of mankind. May God always bless you in every way. Thank you thank you, thank you!


Mary Martinez

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Replied by Mary Martinez (Arcadia, Ca) on 11/11/2016

Dear Tim I owe you a great apology. I am healed of a brain aneurysm and it was because of your wonderful help. I thanked the wrong person although he has been quite helpful too. You really gave me a great "don't give up" inspirational post. It helped me tremendously. I am so grateful to you for your kindness and love of mankind. May God always bless you in every way. Thank you thank you, thank you!


Mary Martinez

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Replied by Juberry (Sydney, Australia ) on 09/12/2018

Hi Mary, I am in the same situation as you with an incidental find of 3 intercranial aneurysms 2 on left side, 8mm and 4 mm and one on the right which is 2mm. I have elected to do clipping on the 8mm but 2 weeks after finding out and getting through the shock and fear, the warrior in me has come out and I want to shrink and heal my aneurysms prior to surgery and avoid surgery and the risks associated with it. I would love to know if you finally went through with the surgery or diet, exercise, positive mind, meditation and natural herbal remedies where the answer for you. Many thanks and blessings in advance. x

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 11/11/2016

I am so happy of your good news Mary, and blessings to you moving forward. I hope you continue finding the little things about staying healthy here on E.C. and elsewhere so you don't have another crisis. Just keep up the good work of staying healthy and sharing your grace.
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Replied by Renee (California) on 11/07/2017

Mary, that is wonderful news! It's amazing what our bodies are capable of when we provide the right tools.. Did you just use diet and herbs or in conjunction with the surgery? I know of someone that is in a similar situation as you. Many blessings. I hope to hear back.


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