Urgent Help Needed For Mother With Foot Ulcers That Won't Heal

Posted By Toni (Nsw) on 10/25/2015

Hi, I really need some urgent help for my 88 year old mum, she has a ulcer under her big toe and on her forth toe bone is exposed with ulcer, I have tried tamonin oil nothing, she is on staphex antibiotics also inner health mangneseium and also blood pressure, diabetes, heart affibulations warfrin etc etc....she had the nurses come home three times a week and in the last two weeks they did not do what the podiatry team said and the ulcer under her big toe got very bad...

I am now putting chamomile tea bags on it and just started the treatment and a gel that podiatry have given. She has very poor circulation in lower legs has three stents in upper right leg....if you can please assist that would be great on your site. All the time they are talking amputation but because there is no circulation and very poor blood flow we are all very concerned.....

Toni from Australia

REPLY   2      

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, South Carolina) on 10/25/2015

Hello Tami

Sounds like an infection. If me I would try soaking toes in Colloidal Silver. Ten minutes three times a day. If improvement, repeat for a week.


Replied by Jimster (Thailand) on 10/25/2015

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's condition. In my attempts to self-treat over the past few years, I have used ozone therapy and as such, read many positive reports of its capabilities for a multitude of ailments. There is an article here http://medind.nic.in/jav/t11/i4/javt11i4p219.pdf (see bottom of page 3 of the document) which demonstrates ozone being used to cure diabetic foot ulcers.

I attempted to search for ozone therapists in New South Wales for you. There is mention of some alternative doctors, but the list wasn't easy to read or interpret. I'm sure you will find something, because ozone therapy appears to be permitted in Australia.

For your information, ozone has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is very effective when used as a process known as "bagging". The injured tissue is wrapped in an air-tight bag and ozone is allowed into the bag, being left for several minutes, or tens of minutes. I have ozone machines at home and use it as an antiviral for herpes simplex. I hope this helps your mother.


Replied by Myway (Usa) on 10/25/2015

Toni, there are multiple issues going on with your Mom - and the medications can be a double edge sword at 88 years old. Your Mum needs massive nutrition - start with 8 oz of fresh veg/fruit juice 3x a day. The PT/INR results will indicate to MDs how to adjust warfarin. Be sure to juice the same fruits/veggies to account for this Medication adjustment if needed. Spray magnesium oil on healthy skin ( not on open wounds - it will burn), rub in, then rub in coconut oil (Virgin, organic, unrefined).Do this at night before she goes to bed.

Per prescribed protocol, those wounds should be cleaned and dressed at a minimum 2x a day.

I hope you have access to a naturopathic doctor - we wish you all the luck!

MyWay :D


Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 10/25/2015

HI U TONI, , , , , , , , , , , , I have seen my chelation doctor heal this type wound with Hydrogen Peroxide I.V.'s. If that is not available, then bagging the foot and applying ozone gas. You can also buy ozonated olive oil which will get oxygen to the ulcer.

As an extremist, I say do all three. The ulcer needs O2 to heal.

Wish your Mum well.



Replied by Anon (Usa) on 10/26/2015

Have you considered Manuka honey and/or Colostrum for healing purposes?


Replied by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 10/26/2015

Hello Toni,

Common yarrow (Achillea Millefolium), I used the infusion of this herb 2 cups a day to heal my father's foot diabetic ulcers (he is 80 years), and it gave a magic completely healing within one week. After healing he has to take one cup of it daily for prevention, if he stops it 15 days Sequentially the ulcer come back to his feet.

Achillea Millefolium expands the capillaries in the feet and nourishes them.

I use for per cup of water tablespoon of the herb and boil it for few seconds and keep it covered 15 minutes then strain and drink.


Replied by Mt (Ottawa, Canada) on 10/27/2015

Mix of urine with urea (solution of 10%). Read Martha Christy's book -Your Own Perfect Medicine, some of it is available on line.

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 10/27/2015

You tube has info on treatment with own urine. Chamomile tea, strong and fresh each time has cured someone on EC post but it could be under diabetes, not sure. To do it several times a day and cure with Chamomile was about four days. Self urine is shown on you tube to remove gangrene.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Laurie (Ct) on 11/02/2015

Try raw unheated honey, It worked wonders on a bed sore my mom had and healed a horrible wound on a dog that had been attacked by another dog.

Replied by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 11/02/2015

As far as healing with honey, I have had great success with Manuka honey, a product of New Zealand; specifically, I recommend the 16+ type. It is available at Wegmans and W.F.s.

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