Seeking Natural Remedies for Sjogren's Syndrome

Posted By Sandi (Portland, Ct) on 06/20/2013

I am 51, was diagnosed w/ Sjogrens about 6-7 yrs ago. The side effects of the medications have kept me saying no, but now my body needs help. The doctor is saying to take the Rx, but then I found this site. Looking for any help out there. We have one support group over 40 mins away, and it's too hard for me to get there. There is just so much info out there and I want to start something/anything that will help me feel better. I'm scared right now. I have never felt this bad. Exhausted, sleeping 14-16 hrs a day, brain fog to beat the band, cold most of the time, joint pain in feet/ankles/knees and back pain. Thank you for reading. Email me if you want to chat further. Sandi

Replied by Kellie (Redding) on 04/01/2015

I stumbled on this site, I have RA and now Sjogren's. I have been searching for natural relief. I will try GLA. I thought I was going crazy with RA and Menopause. I really want to stay away from RX.

Replied by Serena (Boston, Ma) on 07/06/2013

Please try eating Sauerkraut! And by sauerkraut I mean RAW, unpasteurized, unheated sauerkraut - not the pasteurized kind you buy at regular supermarkets. Go to your local health food store or a small farmer's market or search on line for raw brands. Start slow - even at just taking 1 teaspoon and build up to like 1/2 cup 2 or 3 times a day. Search about the wonders of this food so rich in probiotics! I had oral thrush and dry eyes - and now both symptoms are relieved because of sauerkraut! It is a true miracle food - foods can heal!
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Replied by Sue (Us) on 01/24/2015

Thanks Angela! My Mom has confirmed Sjogren's and many symptoms which seem to be under decent control. Now I have them, too - we both have had multiple tick infections including Lyme and bartonella.

Replied by Angela (Brasilia, Brazil) on 01/24/2015

Lyme and co infections need to be considered as contributing to Sjogren's Syndrome - and certainly the common co infections of bartonella and babesia - which flip back and forth sometimes in prominence - can mimic some of these symptoms - persistent eye issues - in Bart's case conjunctivitis, brain fog, chronic tiredness, joint aches and pains. The inflammation indicates a need to calm or regulate the immune system. Garlic ( freezed dried) might help, and certainly Omega ( all of them, fish oil, primrose or borage, flax) - just take omega 3 and omega 6 at different times or they cancel the other out. Pomegranate juice daily, oregano oil, ginger juice ( w veg juice in centrifuge), probiotics ( rotate different types each night), and gluten and dairy free diet.
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Replied by Tina (Connecticut, US) on 08/25/2014

Go vegetarian. It may be hard but it really works; I feel so much better. I am also on rx but it did not take away all my pain. I eventually will go vegan but small steps are ok with me!

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