What Natural Remedies Can Heal Pre-Cirrhosis?

Posted By Maggie (Eh, Ct) on 03/25/2017

I was diagnosed with diabetes last August. When blood work was done, all my levels of blood were really high, specially the liver enzimes. Back in April I was told I had kidney stones in both kidneys as well. In November, a liver biopsy was done due to pain in right side. Diagnose with pre-cirrhosis. I don't drink and don't know why I am having this issue. I suffer from High blood pressure and high cholesterol. What can I do to better my health the natural way.

Replied by Gerrit (Abbotsford) on 03/26/2017

Hi Maggie,

Like to go Natural? well than you better learn how the body works first and one of the best sources I know of is Robert Morse ND teacher and John Bergman Chirapractor teacher and nerve doctor. I like those guys, they say it so it is, according to Robert Morse kidney problem is the cause of diabetes. Just Google them.

You may have to go all raw, fruit, berries and melons. The liver is one of the easiest to regenerate providing it gets the right neutrient. Lots of videos of both on You Tube,

Wish you much success with your mind set change.


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