Husband Has Pemphigus Vulgaris. Need Remedies for Open Sores in Mouth

Posted By Lorraine (London) on 04/20/2021

My husband has been recently diagnosed with Pemphigus Vulgaris. He had a really bad flare up with over 30 open sores in his mouth throat alone. He also has open sores on his eyelids, leg, and private area; however they are relativity small, about the size of a kidney bean.

The ones in his mouth have caused problems to the point whereby he could not eat or swallow food or drink for 3 months. In November 2020, he weighed 21 stone (He trains hard in the gym). He is now 16 stone. He has been given steroids, mainly prednisolone, to calm the symptoms; however, this is painfully slow, and he is only at the point now where he can drink room temperature soup. His voice comes and goes due to the sores in his throat. Mouthwash and brushing teeth is virtually impossible at this stage due to the burning in his mouth.

We are asking for advice help on possible remedies that have worked.

Thank you all


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Replied by Brian (Texas, US) on 04/21/2021


I'm not familiar with PV. However, whenever I have any sores or infections in my gums I use Lomatium. It's a Native American herbal remedy. I add about 5 to 7 drops to about 1.5 tablespoons (about 20 ml) of water and swish it around in my mouth/gargle with it-- for about 5 minutes. Then I spit it out. I had some kind of infection in my gums and I did that twice over about 20 minutes and the infection was gone. You can also add it to water and take it internally. Suggested use is 30 drops in water, 1 to 3 times per day. Your husband might try it. In any event, it's an excellent anti-viral that can be used for the flu and other viruses. I purchased the alcohol tincture--Secret of the Tribe. I found it on the biggest online store founded by Jeff Bezos. Here is one article about it.

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Replied by Chandrika (India) on 04/21/2021

Hi Lorrain,

To heal the sores quickly, do give food grade diatomaceous earth a try. To make sure that he does not inhale the fine powder, make a very thick paste, and ask him to Thickly apply on the insides of the mouth and hold till he automatically swallows it all. Do it every night till sores heal. He should drink plenty of water Before, and upon awakening in the morning.

For curing the condition, I do feel that an internal awareness practice like spring forest qigong, the warrior‘s meditation, or something akin will help. In the end, it is the mind and spirit that allow the body to heal. May he heal rapidly!

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Replied by Brian W (Austin, Tx) on 04/21/2021


Here is another option for your husband to consider. Ralph Havens has a Youtube channel called Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens. Ralph is an alternative healer/spiritual healer who comes from the heart. He has some medical intuitive abilities as well as a lot of healing abilities. He has been doing this for 35 years. He uses Matrix Energetics and numerous other techniques. He has hundreds of videos on youtube, and in most of those videos, he does a healing for whoever is watching the video. He has 22 videos with autoimmune in the title. Here is a link to one of those healings for autoimmune issues. I just signed up for his 30 healings in 30 days program which costs a little more than $1 a day. It comes with a lot of supplemental videos. He recommends that you repeat the program for 100 days (no additional cost). You can contact Ralph directly about that.

Autoimmune Self against self... how to find it and clear it...

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Replied by Katherine (California) on 04/21/2021

I have an autoimmune disease and was getting sores in my mouth. A practitioner told me to take L Lysine, an amino acid, daily. I get the pure granular form. I take 1/2 tsp or 1,104 mg morning and night in water or juice. I also use the drugstore iodine tincture and put the glass bulb with the iodine right on the mouth sore. It is gone the next day. I just read on another site that someone with your disease used 1,000 mg of L Lysine a day for 10 days and the sores were gone. I was told to take it for the rest of my life.

Replied by Adriana (California) on 04/22/2021

My ex suffered from herpes simplex in the mouth, which smelled like the day after a battlefield, rotting. He had lost lots of weight and many remedies were not working. He could not eat and had lost a great deal of weight.

Because it seemed the condition was stuck, I had read that Niacin could move stuck radioactive conditions.

He took Niacin and within 2 days was back to work.

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Replied by Paracelsus (Orlando, fl) on 04/23/2021

Niacin was also my suggestion. Many times lesions etc. are actually not any type of infection but are caused by a niacin deficiency. This is misdiagnosed often even by professional healthcare providers.

Replied by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 04/22/2021

There have been some excellent suggestions thus far. I would also like to add, it's very important in any autoimmune condition to get the blood levels of vitamin D quite high. There are other nutrients that should also be supplemented when take high dose vitamin D. Please see the book by Jeff T Bowles titled: The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases. It will explain everything you need to know in detail.
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Replied by Charlee (Texas) on 04/22/2021

Has your hubby tried Colloidal Silver? It has really helped me with my skin problems. Read up on it. Can be taken internally and used as a mouthwash. Can heal virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite. Best of luck. God Bless You.
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Replied by Paracelsus (Orlando, fl) on 04/23/2021

Any type of open sores like that could be indicating a niacin deficiency. Start supplementing with niacin. I would take at least 1,000mg to 3,000 mg daily. Be careful if you get the pure niacin, it will flush. So you would have to start out small like 250mg on a full stomach several times per day. Alternatively, get the flush free niacin.

Replied by James Ii (India ) on 07/13/2021

Correct me if this supposition is wrong please.

P.V. is an autoimmune disorder which is the overproduction of spike proteins causing a Cytokine Storm Syndrome. So anything that reduces said overabundance is good for P.V. suffers.

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, tinospora cordifolia, licorice root are some proven alternatives to the corticosteroides route.

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