What Natural Remedies Can Help Large Lipoma on Ankle?

Posted By Susan (Lakeland, Fl) on 04/23/2014

Six years ago I had a lipoma the size of a large orange removed from my ankle. I was originally diagnosed with arthritis in the MRI but a podiatrist who studied at John Hopkins realized on an ultra sound right away that it was a lipoma. Long story short, it grew until it was cutting off the complete circulation in my leg. it had ingulfed the nerve in my ankle, causing nerve damage and pain and it was blocking the main artery in my foot. When the surgeon went in to take it off it had mestatasized to skin and they had to scrape it tearing much of the skin.....it was a horrible experience. What was supposed to be a small scar was over 6 inches long. I looked at it and knew immediately he didn't get it all.

I turned my ankle this weekend and for some reason it triggered the growth again......

I've never tried any of these home remedies and I have two more on my foot....I'm going to try some of this stuff and see what happens...I have nothing to lose. Liposuction would be amazing but this lipoma is hard and does not move......I'm interested in anything any one has to say that may help me....Thanks so much :)


Replied by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 04/23/2014

Research iodine (Lugols solution or Ioderal) and lipomas. Iodine is very useful in treating all manner of abnormal growths.

You may also want to try castor oil packs which are explained in detail here on EC by Mama to Many, I think.


Replied by Gia (Usa) on 08/17/2014

Hi Susan,

I hope you are checking back here at the blog because your post caught my eye. I also have what looks like a fatty cyst around my outside ankle bones, especially large on my left foot. I always just thought it was from being overweight with puffy feet and ankles but it's really right at the ankle joint bone on my foot and when I touch it, it feels a little spongy. Recently I've been having tingling, buzzing vibrating sensation on the bottom of my foot on that same side and went to the doctor where she said it looked like a lipoma and I'm going to have an ultrasound next week on both legs and feet. I don't know if the sensation is because I'm having nerve involvement or if it's something like vascular where the arteries are being blocked but in any case, I need to figure out what to do about it. Do you think that lipomas should be surgically removed and have you had any side effects with regard to the sensation in your foot and any impact on your walking??

Thank you.


Replied by Karen (Alaska) on 06/29/2015

I have those fatty lipomas on both my outside ankles. the right one is pinching my nerves which it surrounds. All doctors I have talked to about removing it said NO, there are to many nerves there and one wrong snip and I would never walk again. I really want to get rid of them as they are hindering my ability to hike & walk with my kids. they hurt terribly and yes they cause the pinching, tingling and hurting in the bottom of my foot. even my achilles have been affected. I have been doing much work on my tendons and muscles of my feet. After a wonderful 10 day vacation around 7 national parks and monuments with my children and grandchild and sister. I ended with planters fasiitis. I have gotten most of the tendons elongated, still need to clean up the ankles. I am going to use the ACV on a cotton ball held by a band aid on the ankle. I am also, using a Royal Rife wave generator every night. Just started that 3 weeks ago. I already drink apple cider a lot to keep me alkaline. I have upped my drinking to 6 oz hot water, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp honey and 2 tbls. ACV with mother. This is also, designed to reset the fat cells and help weight loss. I recommend looking into the Rife Wave generator. I love mine. It kills all the pathogens, bacteria, and parasites that cause all this symptoms in the first place. I am so happy I found this site. I never thought to use ACV for a topple for the ankles and these fatty lipomas. Nameste'

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