Home > Ailments > Joint Pain > Joint Pain Q&A > Natural Remedies and a Good Diet are Not Helping My Joint Inflammation
Natural Remedies and a Good Diet are Not Helping My Joint InflammationPosted By Jules (Florida) on 08/19/2016
Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/19/2016
He was called "Lindow Man" if you are interested.
Keep in touch if you like- there is more where this came from but this is a good position to take to start from without getting complicated.
Cheers, Michael
Replied by Iowa (Usa) on 08/20/2016
Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/20/2016
Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/20/2016
You could maybe take some Magnesium Chloride LIQUID also to gain some additional magnesium which you could very well benefit from. Stick to the recommended dose though.
Best wishes,
Replied by Stonefieldsian (New Zealand) on 08/21/2016
Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/22/2016
"Clinicians"!Replied by Mrs A (London Uk) on 08/22/2016
Jules - here is a bizarre remedy, which by coincidence I have just read in my newspaper (not normally where I find natural cures). The correspondent had written... "Ibuprofen had been of no help. He had resorted to applying stinging nettles to the painful hip and was now back on his bicycle, riding up to 10 miles a day" (he was 81). Apparently the white, non-stinging nettle doesn't work.Also: "A 72-year-old with severe arthritis ... found that "cabbage leaf strapped in place was the only thing that relieved pain", and that "since antiquity people have been applying cabbage leaves to their swollen joints."
Do let us know if you try either remedy, and the result.
Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/23/2016
Dear Mrs. A,I have also read about using stinging nettle the way you have described for sciatica pain and arthritis pain!
I have used cabbage leaves topically to relieve pain and inflammation. It works!
~Mama to Many~
Replied by Mrs A. (London Uk) on 08/23/2016
Dear Mama to Many,Delighted to read that you had heard of - and actually tried - the cabbage for joint pain. I wonder if anyone will write in to say they've tried the nettles. What a pity it's got to be the stinging variety!
I always love reading your input - and visualising you among your amazing family -
Replied by Jim (Frostburg) on 08/25/2016
Jules,As you have the inflammation in spots as opposed to all over, I would suspect actual local damage due to physical or arthritic-causing attack. To alleviate the pain and restore normal function I would take 1000 MG of MSM twice per day; once in the morning and once a hour or so after dinner. MSM is classified as a food substance and is harmless --something which cannot be claimed by most modern-day pain-relievers.
The origin of attack/damage still might be possibly parasitic, bacterial, mold or fungus-related; and thus I would attempt the borax protocol given by Ted on this website.