Seeking Help For Post Rotator Cuff/Bicep Tendon Surgery Frozen Shoulder

Posted By Rolinsky (Maplewood, Nj) on 10/25/2015

I'm writing specifically to ask about cures others may have found for post surgical frozen shoulder issues.

I had surgery 2/2015 and immediately after coming out of the abductor sling could not move my arm. Had 6 months of intensive PT with dry needling and still can't raise my arm above shoulder level. Might anyone here have any suggestions before I look into yet another surgery to release the scar tissue?


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/26/2015

Dear Rolinsky,

I am sorry about that pain and lack of mobility.

Serrapeptase is suppose to help with scar tissue but I have no experience with it.

Castor Oil packs with a heating pad may help if used regularly. You could also try a pack over night. I have used them several nights in a row before. But don't use a heating pad overnight.

I once used comfrey smoothies for a rotator cuff injury. Here is a link about that.

Comfrey Smoothie

Let me know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Mary (Usa) on 10/27/2015

5 yrs. ago ripped my rotator cuff, my chiropractor said it was so bad I needed surgery. I did not.

I could not move my arm 1 inch for months it just hung there feeling dead. In the meantime my friend loaned me his PEMF machine in 3 months I was lifting my arm above my head. Needless to say it was painful, but I used castor oil with vit. c rubbed it on about every hour it sort of kept the pain low. I also did exercises when my arm was movable they helped.

My neighbor had surgery at the same time I was going through my cuff problems, she, like you, had pt., arm sling etc, after 6 months she still was in pain and again went in for surgery. After all these years her arm is still not right but as before she refused to use the PEMF device.

This device is a God send, I fell on my face on the cement, when I got home I noticed the bone between my eyes was sticking out. I again used the PEMF device and in 4 days the bone went back in.



Replied by Steve (Nevada) on 10/27/2015

Which pemf device did you use?

Thanks, Steve


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