Cures Needed for Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (Lung Fungus)

Posted By Craigwp (Philadelphia) on 06/06/2016

Hi all, I'm looking for known cures to a lung condition I've been struggling to rid myself of for years. My pulmonologist diagnosed it as allergic-bronchopulmonary-aspergullosis! In short, an allergic reaction in the lungs to a fungis.

Being the typical "let's just throw medicine at the symptoms" Doctor he prescribed courses of Cortisone initially and then had me on the Serotide 50/500 acuhalers for years! I soon realized my lungs had become dependent on the accuhalers because if I had not taken my daily dosages for 2-3 days I would struggle with light-headedness, coughing, tight chest, etc. I stopped seeing the doctor and over a course of 6 months brought my dosage down to 50/250 and now 50/100. No issues with this at all. I would like to get off the acuhalers completely.

I did get a consult with a natural medicine doctor who suggested borax powder mixed into an apple cider vinegar and honey dilution to drink daily. This helped immensely and after going for a 2nd opinion with another pulmonologist, we did a spetum and CT Scan. There were no signs of any issues with my lungs. The spetum test, however had something slightly fungal related. I was not "religious" with my administration of the dilution mix and would only drink it now and again when I was struggling with morning coughing and phlem.

On a side note, my lungs seem worse in overcast/wet weather. Any people with similar conditions/cures/treatments, etc would be greatly appreciated!


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/07/2016

Dear Craigwp,

With your history of lung issues, would have a nebulizer around the house? The kind used for medication? We have used one for natural medicines for several years now and I LOVE it!

We have used 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (brown bottle in the grocery store) plus 35 drops of distilled water in the nebulizer.

We have used 30 ppm colloidal silver (5 cc's at a time) in the nebulizer.

I have also used sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a nebulizer, but haven't used it much, just for lack of need. But you would dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda into 1/2 cup of distilled water and put 5 cc's (about 1 teaspoon) into the nebulizer cup.

All of these work against fungus. I have used a nebulizer every four hours, or more often as needed.

These are just things I would try for fungus in the lungs.

Bill Munroe's hydrogen peroxide inhalation method has also given people great results.

Let us know what you try and how it goes.

~Mama to Many~

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