Myelin Sheath Damage After Taking Lyrica and Getting Shingles

Posted By Joan (Maryland) on 12/17/2015

@ Dave Thomas:

I have been following your MS post and video for a few days and am excited to have found you. My husband, who was probably the healthiest person I knew for his age when to the doctors for a check up 8 months ago. 4 years prior he had been diagnosed with an aggressive prostate cancer that we cured using the Gerson diet and a few other things. By doing the diet he also cured his diabetes and became very healthy, however after having his yearly physical, in which all was extremely well, the doctor offered him some free samples to try for the neuropathy he still had in his feet from the diabetes. The samples were of "Lyrica." He not thinking thought he would give them a try. He took no other meds and believed they would be ok.

After 3 weeks on Lyrica, he came down with shingles. After doing some research we found that nearly 500 people reported getting shingles from "Lyrica" within 3 weeks of use. Now he has what we believe to be damage of the Myelin Sheath due to the shingles virus. It appears that what you did for your wife my help. I have ordered everything you spoke about. If there is any other advice you can give me I would appreciate it. He is in severe pain 24/7 and they want to give him more drugs and we do not believe that is the way to go.


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/17/2015

To Joan,

In answer to your question; yes there is something else I'd recommend taking...

Evening Primrose Oil @ 1, 000 IUs daily.

This can aid in rebuilding the cell wall.

Best to you in your journey.

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Replied by Rsw (Oh) on 12/17/2015

Hi Joan,

In addition to Dave's excellent suggestion, I might add that Lion's Mane mushroom has been found to heal the myelin sheath, also. I have talked to a woman who is now able to live a normal life with MS by taking some vitamins and Lion's Mane mushroom each day. There are many articles on the Internet to read about this. Here is an example:

Best wishes.


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