Multiple gallstones suggestions for treatment

Posted By Nazar Abid Farhan (Nasssiriyah, Iraq) on 08/16/2009

I was test today and found to have a small multiple stone in the gallbladder. what i need is to get medicine smash or break up that stone without resorting to surgery and remove the bile. I am 56 years old and having no other ailment whatsoever. Pls infom what to do???

Truely yours,

Replied by Philip (Dearing, Ga) on 08/17/2009

I don't know if this disolves gallstones or not,but this will ward off a gallstone ATTACK.When you have pain from the gallstones.Get you one glass of room temperture apple juice and a shot glass or 2 tablespoons of RAW apple cider viniger and drank it down. Pain should ease off and go away.

My wife had her gallbladder removed, because of stones after her last pregancy. At the time I did not know of this remedy.We have learned that people STILL GET gallstones in their ducts, after the gallbladder is removed.

When these attacts occur,she does the applejuice/apple cider viniger and it disappears everytime.

Removal of the gallbladder will not stop symptoms or pain.You will continue to have attacks and coffee ground looking diarrhea. Apple juice/viniger will stop this.

I believe Ted tells of some ways to disolve the stones on this site.You will have to read and do searches here on earth clinic.

Good Luck!


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