Mother With Scedosporium and Curvularia Mold Infections and Mycobacterium A

Posted By Donnac. (Alabama) on 09/09/2015

My 73 yr old mother was recently diagnosed with Scedosporium and Curvularia molds (I don't know what species yet) in her lungs and also Mycobacterium Avium Complex lung disease, MAC which I'm pretty sure came about because of these molds.

We are looking for an infectious disease doctor but in the meantime she wants to begin at home treatments like a detox protocol, an alkalizing protocol and a mold starving diet. We are also in the process of finding the source of the mold to determine how to eliminate the exposure.

She already eats gluten, dairy free and doesn't eat processed sugar but I am confused about fruits and fruit juices because of the sugar in them. Are whole fruits ok? I would think store bought juices would be out but what about homemade? Should we be treating the bacterial infection at the same time as the fungal? Will they conflict somehow? I do know that M. Avium bacteria must be treated with at least 2 if not 3 or 4 different antibiotics at once because it adapts so quickly.

Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated!


Replied by Timh (KY) on 09/10/2015

As for "natural" treatments for infection, one of the safest & best substances recommended & used by many here on E.C. is Colloidal Silver (read more in the "remedies" section at top page). The C.S. will be best used both orally and by inhalation with a Nebulizer.

3% Hydrogen Peroxide aka H2O2 can also be used by Nebulization apart or rotated w/ the C.S. 5-10 drops 3% H2O2 per capful in nebulizer is the recommended amount, if I am not mistaken, but do read more in the "remedies" section for sure.


Replied by Mary (Usa) on 09/10/2015

Mycobacterium avium. Do you have birds? This can be a bird disease.

Replied by Donnac (Fairhope, Al) on 09/11/2015

Thanks Timh and Mary I was curious about that as well but while birds can be a source so can many things apparently. It is not in of itself a "bird" disease though. It is related to tuberculosis and leprosy. It is primarily diagnosed in immune compromised individuals but hers occurred most likely from the mold infections, one species of which can be very difficult to treat. I am extremely concerned about the pharmacological treatments for these molds seeing as how they really don't have a good protocol because they just didn't start paying attention until the scedosporium started infecting and killing hiv positive patients so they don't know a lot.

So right now we are looking for someone to find the mold so she can eliminate her exposure and putting her on a no sugar, no carb, alkaline, fungus killing diet. Oil of oregano 15 days on then 15 days off. Coconut oil, Oil of thyme and fresh thyme, cinnamon oil and dried cinnamon, cilantro, onions, radishes, ginger, garlic, basil, black walnut husk and bark, astragalus and nopal cactus with lots of probiotics. Along with her multi she is taking extra c, d, iodine and e, milk thistle and alpha lipoic acid along with a bunch of antioxidants. Lots of dark leafy greens and other vegetables for juicing with the various ingredients listed above.

Every day I am learning something new about these infections so any and all information or suggestions are most welcome.


Replied by Joe (New York) on 09/11/2015

All your findings are very good and I believe you are on the right path. Especially dark green leafy vegetables are very important for all of us for many reasons.

Alkalinity of certain part of our body is very important and we should pay attention that very closely. There so many remedies for that and one of them is, drinking a lots of lemon juice with little bit of baking soda everyday will help a lot to alkalinity so that the body itself can fight and fix the problem.

FYI...Everything you list mostly has one of very common thing in it is "Vitamin C and Magnesium"....

Another thing that you may look into is Serrapeptase and Nattokinase combination. Nattokinase is not necessary but combination would be working better.. Serrapeptase is an effective natural treatment for the lungs. You may also look into the magnesium deficiency which is very important for our body to function properly and one of the best ways to absorb magnesium is “Magnesium Glycinate Chelate Buffered”.

All these things will be my points to you to look into it...



Replied by Space (Seattle) on 12/23/2015

Mold poisoning 25% or people are susceptible, it is a genetic predisposition . The mycotoxins keep recirculating and are not carried out of the body because it is not recognized. Find a mold illness doctor they can help a lot. The following helps absorb the toxins of course you take them separate times charcoal, clay that is for ingestion, zeolites, cal-mag butyrate is a neurotoxin detoxifier and cholestryamine is the prescribed powder that carries mold out. Diet - I would skip all sugar, fruit as well. You are attempting to starve the mold look up antifungal diet or candida diet

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