Mother of 3 with hep c for 12 years

Posted By Missy (Fort Erie, CA) on 03/07/2015

Please help me know what BHT is and where to get it. I have lived with hep c for 12 plus years. I have three young daughters ages 2,6 and 8. I can't seem to grow my hair and it's falling out and thinned out dramatically. I've done tests saying virus load is high but no damage to my liver. Thinking of possibly getting liver cancer scares the hell out of me. Please help me with any and all info. Thanks so much

Replied by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 03/07/2015

Hi Missy, Don't panic...Your viral load will come down with selenium...You can get it at any health food store...Try to get 400 mgs of selenium a day that's plant based...Ask the employee at the store...Or you can take 4 Brazil nuts a day...Each nut has 100 mgs of selenium...The other thing is to take 300-600 mgs of Alpha Lipoic Acid a day...Again at you health food store...Stay away from sugar as it feeds the virus...

Please don't let the doctors talk you into a "Liver Biopsy." It will not be a good thing for your liver...You can also take Milk thistle about 1,000 mgs per day, spread out...It will detox your liver in a hurry...

Lastly you can try Oscar's remedy of BHT (by itself without the other supplements)...It seems to work with most people...Read his posts on this site...


Replied by Jackie (San Francisco, CA) on 03/07/2015

You can take lugol's iodine to see if it helps with the hair thinning. To see if you are deficient, do the lugol's skin test:

Add 3 drops of 3.5% or 5% lugol's on the underneath part of your wrist. Let dry (be careful, it stains). Make sure not to wash it off when you wash your hands. If it disappears within 3 or 4 hours, you are severely deficient in iodine. If it lasts 24 hours, you are not.


Replied by Art (California ) on 03/07/2015

I think Oscar mentioned that Walmart online is selling BHT now.



Replied by Timh (KY) on 03/08/2015

Selenium is typically measured in Mcg not mg. This is a typical typo, but taking Selenium at mg doses can be toxic.

All good advice otherwise. I have also read testimonials of good results w/ Burdock and Yellowdock in combination w/ Milk Thistle.

Echinacea and St John's Wort are good antiviral herbs. Lysine supplementation will help.


Replied by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 03/09/2015

Hello mother of three, Yes selenium is measured in micrograms.(mcgs) My secretary had the day off. There is a book that is available on the web called "Immune Restoration Handbook." It has the most information about Selenium and the prevention and treatment of chronic illness available. For instance selenium used at 1200 mcg daily reduces Hepatitis C viral load by 87 % in 6 weeks... High selenium yeast or mustard based selenium reduces Hepatitis C by 94%. The other supplements are Alpha Lipoic Acid, Milk thistle, L-glutathione and Ip-6 that support glutathione activity and protect the liver. Cold pressed whey protein like ImmunoPro enhance glutathione activity due to the undenatured L-cystine contained in this product. It also has 170 mg of Lactoferrin per 5 gram serving...Lactofferrin binds to iron and thus blocks viruses from using iron to replicate. Selenium taken at 200 mcg daily reduces risk of prostate and breast cancer by 50%.There is also a Dr. B.M. Berkson in who has a clinic in New Mexico who has a protocol of 600 mg ALA...400 mcg food based selenium...and 900 mgs of milk thistle daily in divided doses with outstanding results for hepatitis C. Or you could take 3 Brazil nuts a day. Each nut has approximately 100 mcg of selenium, but of course it can vary according to the soil it came from. People have taken up to 10 Brazil nuts a day with amazing results. If your scalp gets itchy, back off the dosage.

Selenium deficiency diseases:

HIV progression to AIDS


Age spots and liver spots


muscular weakness



Muscular dystrophy

cystic fibrosis


M.S. (linked to mercury poisoning)

Heart palpitations



Lou Gehrig's disease

Parkinson's disease


adrenoleucodystrophy (ALD) The person from KY can check the spelling on that. Thanks.


high infant mortality

sudden infant death syndrome

cancer sickle cell anemia

Or you can go to or call Mark Konlee (yes call) He is very generous with his time. He is also taking Monsanto by himself...

Everything is reversible if you have the knowledge. Drugs are not the answer.


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