Mother 81 has anhidrosis

Posted By Mercedes (Western Wisconsin, Usa) on 01/14/2011

Hi, this is my 1st time posting here. I am convinced that my 81 year old mother has anhidrosis. She feels like she is burning up all over her body all the time. It started out two years ago as infrequent feeling of external heat. Now it is constant. Her internal temperature is always normal. She does not sweat. We are frustrated with her general practicioner doc and internists because they say, "oh it probably her scleroderma, " which translated means, "we don't want to have work at doing any additional investigation to get to the underlying cause. " We thought her blood pressure meds (for conjestive heart failure) And prilosec (for her acid reflux) might be causing the body heat, but after switching her over to other meds without Heat side effects (it's been a week now), she still gets no relief from the heat. Imagine feeling like you are in a furnace and you can't get away from it. It is wearing her out. She is so hot that she gets chills and goosebumps and has to cover up all of the time.

I saw some mention of baking soda and water or sea salt and water as a potential remedy in a couple of posts on this website but did not see the ratios of baking soda or sea salt to water, nor any description of how/why this is a remedy for anhidrosis. Can anyone help me? We are desperate for relief!


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 01/15/2011

Hi Mercedes... It's quite well known that both zinc and iodine(via thyroid) both help to control the sweating mechanism. Therefore you could try supllementing with both zinc and kelp tablets to resolve her problem. But perhaps it also would be best to get a hair analysis done on your grandmother as soon as possible. This is a simple, inexpensive and non-invasive and will tell you exactly what she is missing -- in terms of minerals and vitamins and will also show the levels of dangerous halogens or heavy metals that might be present in her diet and will give you a good pointer as to what might resolve her anhydrosis problems.

Replied by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/16/2011

Does she also have any swelling or bloating? Does she feel full? Does she suffer any other symptoms?

Replied by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 01/16/2011


Bill is very likely correct that she has the very notorious symptom of severe iodine deficiency.

In this 50-minute radio presentation (mp3 audio), Flechas covers roughly the same issues as in the earlier 2-hour presentation (see below). There are a few additional ideas, however, that I would like to mention.

Sweating and Breast Cancer. In the earlier tape, he mentions that iodine is necessary to sweat. Here he mentions that lack of sweating may precede breast cancer.

The URL link to the audio file mp3 is hiding in the title word "Iodine":

This site has amazing information on what you need to know.

It's also possible that she is very low in many other electrolytes, so the body refuses to spare them for sweating!

Make sure she's not drinking any soda pop of any kind, because in addition to the acidity and osteoporosis it causes, some specific brands are loaded with brominated vegetable oils, and the bromine pushes out iodine from the body.


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