More ill every day with copd emphysema

Posted By Marie (Netherlands) on 03/01/2015

Can you please tell me what supplements to take? Getting more ill daily, am now working wth vit C, D and Baking soda. Got COPD, emphysema

Replied by Susan (California) on 03/01/2015

Research (here on EC or elsewhere) inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide.

Replied by Mactwo (Beatty, Oregon) on 03/01/2015

Causes: smoking, high vehicle traffic, home toxins, paint, carpets, bedding, upholstered furniture, diet, drugs, most important; vitamin, mineral deficiency. All vitamins supplements are important, Primary is vitamin ?C' for lung health and to repair cell destruction.

Six to 20 grams a day of 'C' per day or more depending on age and health and age. Oxygen is an important nutrient that destroys disease cells, like cancer.

Available Vitamin 'C' and oxygen can enter every cell in the body and prevents replication of disease cells. Exercise as much you can without strain.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando) on 03/01/2015

Hi Marie...I would simply try using the direct inhalation method such as the one promoted by Bill Munro's Hydrogen Peroxide Method. This is a very cheap, simple but effective method where small amounts of hydrogen peroxide(HP), at low dilution, is inhaled as a spray by mouth using an atomizer spray or nebulizer several times a day. The HP acts to kill any bacteria/virus/fungus involved and also helps to clear and recover the lungs. HP breaks down safely to just water and oxygen. So, when you use this inhalation method, it will also help to oxygenate your blood at the same time to give you more energy. You should also be aware that if you use this direct HP inhalation method then you will probably initially cough up all sorts of gunk from your lungs. If the coughing is severe then you should perhaps adjust dose and frequency of use downwards accordingly.

Another gentler but direct HP inhalation protocol via humidifier that you can use against your emphysema, as promoted by Ted from Bangkok, is shown below.


"Drug stores will sell 3% hydrogen peroxide, and you just have to dilute them with water and use it in humidifier. A 1% concentration I have never had problems with. However if it is anywhere above 2% then it is not safe. Safety is determined by concentration of the peroxide. I inhale it using a humidifier. If it gets too drying, lower the concentration by 1/2. If you do not have confidence in such use than start with only 0.5% which is one half of one percent.

If you want a near 100% safety, then I would try eucalyptus oil, it has been done for ages, using steam, humdifier, aerosol etc. Apparently we forgot that great grandmother's recipe still works the best.

Research study also shows eucalyptus oil can kill certain fungus found in humans, in the lungs of a fungal streptococus. So if put in a humidifier (if it doesn't dissolve the plastics), used for inhalation can be used as a good substitute.

I would prefer to add 5% camphor powder, if you can find one to help remove the fungus faster. This is good for your Fungal Emphysema.

But then hydrogen peroxide and ozonation of your room is just as good. It doesn't matter if it is a mycoplasma, or a fungal streptococcus, they kill the same. Usually chemtrails can be a real problem, so stay out of the way"


If you prefer you could always go to an alternative therapy clinic and have Hydrogen Peroxide by IV. But you will first have to find a clinic that does this IV therapy in Holland.

If you are still unsure as to whether you should use HP, then you should read The Truth About Hydrogen Peroxide which is a free download off the internet. Other well-known books on Hydrogen Peroxide sold on amazon are Hydogen Peroxide: Medical Miracle and The One Minute Cure.


Replied by Timh (KY) on 03/02/2015

In addition to previously posted good advice, I have recently had some good results from listening to audio or music tones (binaural or isochronic) on Youtube. Other listeners are reporting noticeable improvements in their lung conditions.

Here's a link


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