Mold causing terrible body pain

Posted By Kaylin (Charles City, Ia/u.s.) on 04/25/2012

I just found out that there is mold in my home and I moved out but I've had some problems but the biggest 1 is the unbearable pain I'm in. I'm tryin 2 get a doctor 2 check me 4 mold and b4 that I was on a lot of medications. My insurance ran out and I need the pain meds just 2 keep me from crying and going 2 the ER. Is there anything I can do?? :'(

Replied by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 04/25/2012

I had a friend who just had some success in getting rid of a longstanding (1yr) black mold infection. She used Licorice root, turmeric, and baking soda with water. I am sorry but I don't know the exact amounts. She said that she excreted tons of black looking stuff after mega doses of the above. She said she also got her energy back after a year of feeling weak.

Replied by Kaylin (Charles City, Ia/u.s.) on 04/26/2012

thank u. Is there anyway u could find out how much I should take?

Replied by Cj (Brampton, On) on 07/23/2012

Is it MOLD, toxic metal, prescriptions, it all came from mold I think?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is amazing that by chance I stumbled on this article about mold. Now I have been sick for soooo long. I don't know what is next. My personality is not same, depression, sometimes psychosis (with certain chemicals) that no one else has issues with, chronic fatique, fibromayalgia, huge sleep disordy. My thyroid is completely out of control, my gallbladder was removed, skin problems like rashes and rosacea. BUT WOULD THIS BE CAUSE OF ALL THIS.

Besides my thyroid (well under control) I moved back in with my mom from 1997-2004. My bedroom was in the basement. I spent 50% time or more all day in there everyday. She had water leaking under the weeping tiles all this time. Never removed the carpet. I remember the water next to my bed many times being high enough, that I had to put on boots to come in and out or to just walk around my bedroom. Now that I am a young adult and a wife, Slowly I feel as if I am dying most days, getting worse. No energy, etc. I dont think candida issues but for sure if that is not a mold poisoning case than I dont know what is: I have even developed an opiate addiction (for many years of untreated gallbladder) but any sustance that can give me energy to get out of bed for that matter, make me the wife and person I am suppost to be! (Never for a high or to get drunk, purely to put on a happy, normal face because nobody gets how I feel, husband supportive, but really not, doesn't understand! If this is now how I have to live, my life is going to turn upside down is my new diet and regime.

Please help me: I take thyroxine, bromazepam, zopiclone, methadone, clonidine, trazadone, codeine. I like to party like everyone I know. I dont eat properly. But I do take, vitamins, minerals, raw coconut oil, lemon, garlic, ginger everyday. Have RO water filtration system, no flouride, no Vaccinations for years. How do I get off all these pills, past heavy metal and then MOLD????? I cant live like this, someone pls help!


Replied by Bellabing (Manila, Philippines) on 07/24/2012

Hi! Cj, if you are suffering from toxic illness. I would suggest that you take "activated charcoal" (please google search activated charcoal for more info). It is potent to absorb toxic materials from your body and expel it through your bowel. It comes from black powder form, tablet or capsules and it is best taken with warm water 2 hours before meal. And also, try to eliminate all the molds inside your house which can cause toxic to your body and lead to many diseases that will damage the immune system. Good luck! :)

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/25/2012

Cj, from your description, it seems as if you, like many of us, are swallowed by the evils of modern life. Can recommend no particulars except detoxification of your internal and external environments. Trade as many of your meds as possible for healthy habits like Yoga and Meditation. Generally, just get your path on wellness of body & mind.

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