Mms and dmso for idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis

Posted By Aline (Hoorn, North-holland Netherlands) on 10/03/2012

Dear, I'm 26 years old and have idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. I have red a reaction of Ted that he thinks it is a fungus problem. I just started to take MMS by Jim Humble and I was wondering if you think that this might help by this condition. I'm thinking of using MMS on the skin together with DMSO. Do you think this will work? Do you have any other suggestion to do in this case? Do you have had any comments from people that something had helped by this condition? Beceause I read a lot of tips but nowhere that something really helped.

Hope you can help me! My thanks, Aline


Replied by Claude (Crestview, Fl, Usa) on 10/19/2012

I am a 55 yr old black Caribbean American female with IGH. The white spots started on the outside of my ankles about 10 years ago and have since moved up to leg to the outside of my knees. I also have random white spots on my outer thighs. I was concerned that in time these spots would move on up the rest of my body. So, today I visited a dermatologist who knew exactly what they were. For years, I thought that they were Vitiligo but she said they weren't. They are IGH which tends to be just confined to the lower legs. Vitiligo can be found on any part of the body. The dermatologist had a book that was devoted to just IGH and she ran me a copy of 2 pages that explained more about it. This is what's on the pages:

DEFINITION - Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis, or Disseminate Lenticular Leucoderma, comprises small, white irregularly shaped macules occurring mostly on the anterior lower legs.

ETIOLOGY - Actinic damage has been proposed as a cause of IGH in Caucasians. The etiology is poorly understood in black people. Histologically, a decrease in the number of melanocytes is found and women, especially over 40 years of age, represent the majority of cases.

CLINICAL PERSPECTIVE: The discrete, hypopigmented macules range in size from 2-6 mm and possess an irregular border. The disease is more noticeable in black people than Caucasians, and may involve the trunk as the legs.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS - Unlike IGM, Vitiligo tends to be periorificial and not confined to the lower legs.

TREATMENT OPTIONS - Triamcinilone acetonide may be injected intralesionally if the lesions are cosmetically objectionable. Usually, no treatment is required.

Lastly, my dermatologist said that the injections were quite painful. I'm happy to hear that it has a name and that it won't spread to my face. I'm okay with that - on injections for me. My Mom also had the same white spots. I hope this helps anyone who is seeking answers.


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