Missing Epiglottis Due to Radiation Treatment Keeps Me From Swallowing

Posted By Klaus (Houston, TX) on 06/29/2008

Any intake by mouth goes straight to the windpipe into my lungs. presently i have to feed through a pec tube directly into my stomach.. not a quality of life enhancement in the long run.

please post this for maximum exposure and a miracle might just happen.
Desperately, klaus in houston


Replied by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/30/2008

Klaus, I don't have any thing to offer but encouragement. One of my brothers is now having to adjust to a pec tube also. He still has an epiglottis but a very narrow opening in his throat since surgery for cancer in l982. Looking on the bright side, my brother is still with us, and no recurrence of his cancer. Instead of focusing on parts of my body that are no longer there or no longer working up to par, I find life much more pleasant when I think about the parts that are still there and still functioning somewhat. I find that most of our enjoyment in life depends on our attitude. As I remarked to a patient one night, after his long list of complaints and remark "It's hell to get old". My reply was "Well, yes, it can be. But have you considered the alternative?" After mulling that over a few minutes, he said -"Looking at it from that angle, I guess it ain't that bad". As for myself, I just thank God daily that I have nothing but spectacles, dentures, and hearing aids to contend with. Of course I also thank him for having most of my body parts still with me and still functioning somewhat.

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