Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/28/2014
Hi Justnatural15...The reason they misdiagnosed you was probably because they used the highly inaccurate TSH/T4 test which doesn't actually test for T3 -- the active thyroid hormone you want to know about. You need to really take the Free T3/ Free T4 thyroid test because its a way more accurate than the TSH/T4 test.
So here are the proper lab tests that you should get:
Proper Thyroid Lab Work
Here is a list of Iodine-literate and thyroid-literate doctors in the US:
List of Competent Thyroid Doctors in US
Here is the address of a competent thyroid doctor in your area:
Carole E Benoit DO
Wellness and Nutrition Medicine
909 Summers Ave
Orangeburg, SC 29115
Tel: 803.837.9871
But if I were you I would perhaps go and see Dr Jorge Flechas if you can in North Carolina. He's renowned for his successful research and treatments for Iodine problems including thyroid problems. Here's his address:
Jorge Flechas, MD
Hendersonville, NC
Tel : 828.684.3233
If you want to try using the Iodine Protocol then you can find it here -- make absolutely sure to use all the iodine companion nutrients that are recommended -- at the stated doses with no shortcuts:
The Iodine Protocol
Iodine Companion Nutrients
It's probably better that you go and see a thyroid competent doctor who knows about iodine. With your problem, you will have to be monitored to adjust your current meds when you take the iodine protocol -- and that is best done and overseen by a competent iodine-literate thyroid doc.