May have vaginal dysplasia not warts

Posted By Serendipity (Orlando, Florida) on 10/01/2009

I need help... I thought all I had has a few warts... and I started doing mixtures of tea tree oil, and ACV, and Aspirin, and Vitamin E... alternating... with garlic, plus I take probiotics, and Grapefruit seed extract, Maca, Glutathione, Fish oil... Barley Green, I take it all.... I thought I had one maybe a few... but after using the ACV down there... more and more show up every day... I really started to take a closer look, and I realize, that there is a lot more going on... I think I might have vaginal displaysia, crazy deformed lumps all on my vulva and around my urethra... it almost looks like I have two holes where my urethra is, it's horrible, I had cervical displaysia in 2004, where they did a cryo, and it came back normal... since then I have had another baby... and I don't know what to do... can I treat the displaysia the same as warts? I am just in tears... I figure this is what i deserve, but I'm afraid its cancer, or could be... I am going to the doctor, but they are going to give me chemicals, or chemo or somthing... and I want to know if any of the above things would work for displaysia, the same as warts, or does that need to be surgically removed.... please help... email me if you know anything... thank you to anyone... sincerely -devastated

Replied by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 10/01/2009

You know, sometimes less is more. Too-frequent douching or soaks (or whatever you are doing) with ACV can cause tissue damage. It is hard to tell from your post, but it sounds like you are douching with ACV. To do that occationally is fine, but if you do it too often, or if the ACV/water solution you are using is too strong, it can damage delicate vaginal/vulvar tissue. The same thing can happen from Tea Tree Oil because essential oils can be very irritating, especially to mucous membranes (the vaginal, etc). So, if you are using Tea Tree Oil and ACV on you vulva/vagina, you might want to take a week or two off and see if the problem gets better. If you are in pain, try cool-water sitz baths...JUST PLAIN WATER...and give your tissues a breather from what sounds like a very aggressive home treatment, perhaps applying a small amount of diaper-rash ointment afterward to sooth things down there.

p.s. Since you write that you feel like you "deserve" your problems, could it be that you are using harsh douches as a kind of self-punishment, or as a attempt to "erase" the past? Just be aware that no one "deserves" to get ill, and that being sexual, or exercising poor judgement, is not a sin or a crime, even if people sometimes want us to think it is.

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