High Blood Pressure Med Stopped Kidneys From Functioning

Posted By Inquiring (Fort Wayne, Indiana) on 07/08/2020

My family doctor killed 60% of my kidney functions with the blood pressure prescription medicine, Maxzide, is there any herb that is safe for me to consume that would help restore my kidneys functions? Thank You!

Replied by Art (California) on 07/08/2020


This same thing can happen with certain diuretics and other drugs as outlined here :

https://medshadow.org/6-medications-can-harm-the-kidneys/#:~:text=Diuretics, and inflammation of the kidneys.

One supplement that is good at protecting the kidneys is melatonin. Multiple studies have shown that melatonin helps protect the kidneys against multiple insults from drugs, toxins, poisons, chemotherapy and sepsis to name a few common ones. The following study suggests that melatonin may be useful for this purpose :


The following abstract suggests that melatonin may be useful for chronic kidney disease:


I suggest doing a little reading about how melatonin affects the kidneys and discuss this option with your doctor or health care professional to see if it will be helpful and compatible with all medications you are currently taking.


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Replied by Wendy (Dublin, Oh) on 07/09/2020

Get a referral from your Primary Care doctor to a nephrologist which is doctor that specializes in kidney function. Tell him all the meds & supplements you've been on, including the Maxzide.

Do NOT experiment with herbs or supplements at ALL when your kidney function has decreased this much! I'm a kidney transplant patient myself. The nephrologist will do bloodwork and an ultrasound, and possibly other tests, to determine exactly what your kidney function is. You do NOT want to go on dialysis! It's no fun, or so I've been told (I was lucky that I didn't have to go on it).

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Replied by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/09/2020

I know a lot of people will probably recommend "alkalizing" but I want to stick my two cents in before that happens.


And I'm not talking about drinking herbal teas and whatnot because anything but plain water has to be distilled by the body to get the water out of it and to do that, the body requires WATER. The body requires water for EVERY function. H2O. Water. Plain water.

If acidity is causing problems, then you've been dehydrated for a long while and you can't fix that overnight. It can take more then 2 or 3 YEARS to rehydrate enough to get the body out of emergency mode and into repair mode to fix the damage caused by the necessary stealing of water from Peter just to keep Paul upright and conscious.

When your body is chronically dehydrated, it has no choice but to ration water which MUST translate to sacrificing less vital organs just to protect the heart and keep the blood volume high enough to pump whatever acidic blood it's able to maintain in its dehydrated state all the way up to the brain to keep you conscious and upright so you can go find WATER (if you were a natural animal, out in nature). This requires several emergency protocols including raising the blood pressure, increasing the heart rate and robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Tea doesn't count. Coffee doesn't count. Juice doesn't count. Fruits and other wet foods DO NOT COUNT as processing them requires the body use water it does not have to spare. All "wet" consumables that aren't water belong to the colon which is like a watering hole surrounded by predators with regard to the violence required to get it out of there.

Your body cannot take care of business properly when it's forced to constantly and perpetually mine water from the colon. It just can't.

Drink plain water. Don't suck on a couple of big water bottles all day. Actually stop what you're doing and go drink an 8 to 10 oz glass of water every couple of hours. Consistently, so that the body can trust that more is on the way and use it to its best advantage. No mult-tasking. Be conscious of what you're doing when you're drinking water rather than sipping water while doing something else. If you believe that's an inconvenience, then imagine the inconvenience of dealing with one or more of the multitude of health issues that result from chronic dehydration which is basically ALL issues. Issues you won't even be aware of until it's five til too late. If you have trouble getting it down, initially, stay there and drink it an ounce at a time if you have to until it's done.

Or don't. Your choice, obviously, but water isn't merely a factor in organ function. It's also the guard at the gate and the first defense against pathogens and toxins. A properly hydrated body can easily carry the icky stuff in, through and out again with barely a hiccup.

You won't have to wait 2 years until the body is fully hydrated and functioning properly to feel better. You'll feel better right away and many issues will clear up until one day you'll think things like, "Didn't I used to have chicken neck?" or "Didn't I used to get winded when I walked uphill?".

I was FATALLY dehydrated at one point, many years ago. And by "fatally", I mean the doctors couldn't explain why I was still alive, let alone conscious and alert with no cognitive issues. I have theories about how my body managed that, NOW, but no way to check them so I won't go into that but suffice it to say that every shift at the hospital changed my monitors because they KNEW they weren't functioning properly due to my oxygen levels and blood pressure being "normal". It shouldn't have been possible but the body is such an amazing thing. It knows what to do and, fortunately, I discovered the dehydration connection - thanks to an old farmer - at that same time. Otherwise, I'd almost certainly be dead because they flat out removed the "stop-gap" I suspect my body had created to save itself - and me with it.

Your body is BEYOND brilliant. It will use the remedies you try when they're right and reconfigure itself to work around them when they're not - even as our puny human brain continues to think it knows best.

If I had to guess, I'd say that most of the time the only remedy required is plain water. I think that's why remedies that include it work, why some remedies don't and why many onnlyl work temporarily as they are supporting the body's dehydration emergency mode functions rather than fixing the cause.

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Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/09/2020

As with any new addition, go slow and low dose as you integrate new programs into your systems. A normal dose is an overdose when you have been deficient for a long time. Blessings, charity
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