Many treatment didnt work seeking parasite treatment

Posted By Nicholovich (Mill Valley, California) on 03/09/2014

Large parasites, the correct anti-parasitic medicine and antifungal treatment.

I was in China for many months and ate about ten pounds of vegetables per day there. The movement of the worms when I take paragon, or too much diatomaceous earth, or too MSM sulfer, can feel like I am pregnant with a large organism, like a small snake. The problem is that I am taking diatomaceous earth since January 25th and still have them. They may or may not be as strong, I am not certain, however I am taking Nystatin for Candida at the same time. I need something perhaps to kill them for certain but does not cause them to squirm. I could take a parasite drug, however the stool test came out negative for parasites. The situation lis not pleasant because I would like to be rid of the parasites however whatever I take seems to make them so upset that my bowel becomes like I am very ill and then do not feel like eating, and have undigested food in my stools.

I do not know what to do. I am also frightened, because my systemic Candida could get worse and worse. Should I take something other than diatomaceous earth perhaps Neem oil to kill the large parasites for certain, yet gentle so they do not squirm and gurgle. They are often active in the early morning. I will try to take another stool test on Monday, however do not have my hopes up.

Thank-you for any advice you may provide.


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/09/2014

To Nicholovich from Mill Valley:

Concerning the parasite problem, look at the Earth Clinic section titled "Ailments" and go to "P" and find "Parasites" ... you'll find lots of posts discussing a half dozen well known parasite remedies.


Replied by Mike62 (Denver) on 03/09/2014

Nicholovich: I am sorry to say that you have a very serious condition and you are going to have to take some remedies that can make you feel uncomfortable. The pathogens are hiding behind a biofilm that protects them. This needs to be dissolved. At least 2 hours after the last meal of the day take 4 caps oxypowder and 1 pint of water. If you feel dry you can drink more water during the night. Do this until digestion improves, then do 3x a week for 90 days. 1 hour before breakfast put 1tbsp papaya seeds, 8oz fresh papaya, 8oz fresh pineapple, preferably organic, into a blender with some organic chili, and 1 dose parasite cleanse that has wormwood, black hulled walnut, and clove, grind up and drink. Do this until digestion improves then do 3x a week for 90 days. The oxypowder dissolves the biofilm and also kills parasites. The papaya seeds, papaya and pineapple enzymes, and the herbs kill parasites. They can go dormant for 90 days so you have to continue the treatment. Candida lives in the colon where conditions are acidic. When people eat acidic foods the candida moves into the intestines. Candida's function is to eat excess blood sugar. Eating too much fat coats the sugar with oil so the insulin cannot carry the sugar into the cell. Eating too much fat causes the mitochondrial proteins to fold so they do not reveal their insulin receptor sites. Candida eats the excess sugar in the plasma, causing candida overgrowth. All you have to do is eat alkaline foods and low fat. Phds in life sciences, cellular biologists, and the 80/10/10ers, have shown that candida and other pathogens do not eat sugar in the presence of nutrients and insulin when fat is below 5%/g. For food take the best of all, activated barley. Make green smoothies from organic baby leaves, chili, non denatured whey isolate, and unrefined sea salt. For fat take 1/2 coconut oil and 1/2 black chia seeds. Search raw food videos for some great ideas. These remedies should cure you very rapidly.

Replied by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 03/09/2014

Black walnut, wormwood and clove are well known parasite killers. Many products contain them. I am surprised you didn't mention them.

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