Many remedies for ringworm not working

Posted By Carol (Cape Town, South Africa) on 05/17/2012

Hi there, I have had ringworm for about a month now, on my neck/jawline. I have read all the information on this site on how to combat this. I applied the ACV (do not know if it is a "mother" (I live in SA), have done the garlic slice method (that seems to take away the "bumps"), then I tried the crushed garlic (huge pieces of dried skin came away) but I still had the ring worm so asked a herbalist friend and she recommended that I simmer vinegar with fresh rosemary for about an hour and dab that on after it as cooled, often. Well I have done all this and last night again (6th night in row, did the crushed garlic again, this time it really stung and the garlic turned out blue/green, the whole area whereas before there were just small areas of blue/green). To top it, I have sores which are weeping, the area is bigger and my jaw/cheek is double in size.

I am ready to go to a conventional doc... I need help! My vet gave me some F10 that they put on animals for ringworm... Desperate here!


Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 05/17/2012

Hi Carol, Hope you try your own urine. Just catch some urine & rub it on regularly. Urine is sterile. Just wash youself before urinating. My son in C/Town used it for pimples & cleared the pimples. You can even drink it. Look up auto urine therapy on the net & you will find lots of info.

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