Male 27 has heart palpitations and anxiety

Posted By Stever882 (Lisle, Il, Usa) on 04/09/2010

Heart pvcs, palpations and tachycardia

Hello, i am a 27 year old male, since 10 i have experienced many heart palpations or pvcs aka skiped beats. i get them frequently some everyday all day and then i wont feel them for weeks, i seen cardiologist since i was 17 and they tell me my heart is fine, i am confused because sometimes they are very scary, but over the years i have learned to deal with them. since i was 22 i cleaned up my diet and beacme very active i ate all fruits ,veggies and grains and had tons of energy and my palpations seem to go away. but now am 27 and the past three years have been hell i get palpations all the time and most recent on 1/6/2010 i woke up in the middle of the night with a pulse of 160 i freaked out cause it wouldnt come down so i went to the ER and they gave me a xanax and sent me home becouse everything was ok. i also remember a year before 4/4/2009 i went to the ER for constant heart palpations for about an hour again they gave me a xanex and set me home. now just last week i was working out for about 20 mins intensly and after i was at rest for 10 mins my heart rate shot up to 160 and i took my self back to the ER to only find out that everthing was ok. now my doctor has now put me on 60 mg of a beta blocker for anxiety. my doctor says i have anxirty which causes my problems, the docs tell me my heart is fine and had passed all the required tests. on the other hand i feel like crap everyday have low energy and its hard for me to workout. i used to run everyday and lift weights 3 to 4 times a week. i was on a mission to loose some body fat and tried low carb diets but failed at it, i also think that over training has caused me to go to the ER for these bad episodes of the tachacardia.

does any one have any suggestions on helping anxiety and trying to help the pvcs or palpations. they really ruin my life sometimes. i wish they would go away. the tachacardi is a new symptom that started within the past year. i need some help. thanks


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 04/11/2010

Hi Stever882,

I'm sorry to hear about your distress. Have you maintained a healthy diet? You didn't say that you continued with that lifestyle that you started at 22. If not, returning to it would be beneficial. Also, make sure you are not taking any caffeine products-sodas, coffee, "energy" drinks, etc. I have had friends that actually thought they were having a heart attack and going to the emergency, found out it was from coffee! Some bodies have zero tolerance for caffeine. I know for myself, sugar can actually do this to me which includes fresh fruit. As soon as I eat anything like that, my heart races, I break out in a sweat and I feel a bit shaky so, I just avoid sugar. Read about the body ecology diet as you may also just be completely out of balance- the body is a complex thing. You can google that and find an extremely comprehensive site to study.

Also, you sound as if you are riddled with anxiety in your personality type. Have you ever tried any meditation? If not, you should consider it. There are many resources to learn about this and with the internet it's all at our fingertips. Explore that avenue because it definitely helps everyone to get a handle on that issue. Go easy too. Just start with 3 minutes. Believe it or not, that's huge if you've never meditated. I teach kids how to do it and tell them to just breathe and focus on their breath. Then you begin to observe. What you will see is how crazy "the mind" is. It has a life of its own if it is not directed. Watch your thoughts as if they're clouds drifting by and notice them and how they take on a life of their own. They can become utterly ridiculous and soon you will be able to actually laugh at them! You can then see where anxiety stems from because you begin to see how your thoughts govern you. That's when you can begin to take back your life.

I hope this helps. I wish you the best.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 04/11/2010

Hi Stever882...I also had regular episodes of racing heart, and the cure for me was Magnesium. The best supplement forms to take are -- Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate. Or you could take Magnesium transdermally through the skin by putting 2-3 cups of Epsom salts or Mag Chloride crystals into your hot bath and stay in for 1/2 hour to allow your body to absorb the Magnesium. Do this 2-3 times a week. This is the quickest way to up your Magnesium levels. See this link:

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Magnesium is the regulator of the Sodium/potassium/calcium electrolytes in your cells. If you are deficient in magnesium then there is no regulation, potassium leaks out of your cell and is quickly replaced by Calcium. If this occurs in your heart muscle, racing heart can result.Another symptom of low magnesium and excess calcium in your cells is low energy -- because it takes about 60% of a cell's energy to pump the calcium back out of the cell again.

I also note that you live in a part of the US which has one of the lowest soil iodine levels in the world. See this link:

Iodine Deficiency by Robert Sarver

Lack of iodine in your diet could also cause hypothyroidism as well as anxiety. Perhaps you should also consider supplementing with Iodoral tablets or Lugol's Iodine for your problem. You can even use Iodine foot-painting to supplement iodine because iodine is so easily absorbed thru the skin -- you can use Lugol's iodine or iodine tincture or even Povidone iodine for this(I use this method). See this link:

Iodine Foot Painting

Replied by Candy (Fort Madison, Ia) on 04/11/2010

get yourself some of the transdermal magnesium that other people have posted on here. works wonderful for heart palpitations and anxiety. also someone posted about blackstrap molasses helping for it.

i am doing both and I rarely have those anymore. And like you, they scared me. So I am quite thankful to have found relief from natural sources.


Replied by Jane (Arkansas, Usa) on 04/12/2010

Iam really sorry to hear you are going through a tough time with those symptoms. Been there and done that! What helped me the most was magnesium oil ( read up on magnesium and the heart and magnesium and anxiety) Ichose the oil( you spray it on your skin) because it was gentle on my stomache unlike some magnesium supplements which can cause the runs. I noticed improvment immediately. I think the key for me was also balancing my blood sugar so take a look at your diet..there should be no caffine in it sugar etc. this just spikes the blod sugar making symptoms that you describe worse. Believe it or not but fats like butter and oil mixed with carbs and protein during each meal do a world of difference. Good luck

Replied by Gary (Wauchopw, Nsw Australia) on 04/12/2010

Hi Stever882,

Have look at Hawthorn Tea I have tachycardia and Have had a lot of success with Hawthorn I put 2 heaped tsp of crushed berries (crush them with a mortar and pestel) in a mug or cup half fill with boiling water (distilled is better) leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink. There is a company in the US that sells the Hawthorn Juice but I have never tried it.

They say they are having a lot of success with it look it up on the net through google.
Kind regards Gary


Replied by C (Pd, Fl) on 08/04/2010

This is for Stever882,
I have been having heart palps and rapid heartbeats for three years, been on beta blockers for three years, they get worse and worse. I have had all the heart test they always come back great, except when my heart beats last month went up to 305 per minute and would not come down, they then decided it was PSVT and decided I needed an EPS with cather ablation. The heart doc atempted to do this and when he was in my heart he said the electrical impulses were coming from the back side of my heart in a concealed bypass tract. He said I would have to go to a bigger hospital UAB in Birmingham Alabama, but first he was going to put me on some other meds. He put me on digixon and tambacor, these two drugs alone almost killed me. I am now back on a beta blocker, and having anxiety and panic attacks as well. I take beta blockers, xanax and thyroid medicine. However, the thyroid meds make my heart race especially synthroid and levoxyl. I can take a small dose of 7. 5mg of Armour Thyroid with a beta blocker to keep my heart from racing. I have not found the perfect cure yet. I am going to read all the newest suggestions and see if any on them work. You can check out cather ablation and ask your doc about it. You can watch the youtubes about it. But if your doc decides to have it done, make sure you go to a hospital that can do the back side of your heart as well, so you won't be wasting money and time.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 08/05/2010

Hi C... The problems you mention could be caused particularly by incorrect dosages of Thyroid plus iodine, or by excess Calcium and low magnesium or low potassium or low sodium electrolyte levels or from side-effects from Xanax or a combination of all these. Check the side-effects of the meds you're taking at this link at

Also check that you are not taking flourinated drugs.

I would also get a hair analysis done(fairly cheap) to check your electrolyte levels and to check whether you have a problem with heavy metals or with halogens such as chlorine, fluorine or bromine.

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