Looking for remedies for atrophied breast

Posted By Sura (Iraq) on 10/18/2014

Please aid me please I wont a treatment for the diffrence in my breast size (the left side is larger than the right side) because of the least feeding and hormones at the maturity age so I want a treatment for the difference in my breast size.
Without cosmetic surgery..... Please trying to help, I am old 22 Years not married the main reason is different size breasts.
Atrophy at the right side, the atrophy happen because of the least feeding and hormones when my old 14 years, at that time the difference was not clear... But the difference become clear when my old 20 years
I want a treatment please reply to me.... I live in iraq

Replied by Kari (New York, Ny) on 10/18/2014

Hi, you might try drinking soy milk for a few weeks and seeing if that helps. Soy is known to increase breast size.

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