Looking for more information about graves disease

Posted By Suzzanne (Ravena, Ny) on 12/28/2011

Hyperthyrodism/Graves Disease: I have been diagnosed but I would love to get more information from others about alternative treatments, if any, besides taking a pill.

Replied by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 12/29/2011

Hi Suzzanne, I also have Graves Disease and am currently in "remission". The best advice I received since my diagnosis was to stop looking at the disease as a thyroid issue and start looking at it as an immune system issue. Graves is an auto immune disease. Which means for some reason our immune system is attacking our thyroid. Causing it to produce to much T3 and T4. I have been actively treating my immune system instead of just my thyroid for almost two years now. My thyroid is now as normal as it can get. Balance is the key word. If any of the minerals your body needs are off kilter then you will get different symptoms and sometimes different diseases. Some very helpful websites are: http://www.ithyroid.com/supplement_list.htm and http://www.acu-cell.com and


I have found that gluten irritates my thyroid. Since I have a sensitivity to gluten when I eat it my immune system attacks the cells to try to protect my body from harm. Thyroid cells look a lot like gluten cells so now my immune system is attacking my thyroid constantly as well. I try to avoid gluten which helps to keep my immune system calmer. I also take immune system support like marshmallow root and astragulus root. Teds alkalizing formula is also a very good immune system support (baking soda and lemon). I make sure to take D3 and Vit C on a dailey basis and echinacea when I know my immune system is low. I also take dessicated thymus twice a year for a month or so.

I treat my adrenals as well since my naturopath found they are fatigued. Most thyroid conditions either result in adrenal fatigue or are caused by it. For this I take milk thistle, DHEA, valarian, meletonin, relora, magnesium. Basicly the goal is to keep yourself calm. Using anti stress remedies to calm the cortisol production from your adrenals. Tin is very important to the adrenal glands. You can get it in supplements like doggrass, juniper, bilberry, milk thistle, valarian, Irish moss, nettles, barberry, yarrow, blessed thistle, yellow dock, kelp, licorice, devils claw, and senna.

Some of the most important thyroid minerals are selenium, iodine, copper, and iron. Most hyperthyroid patients are low on copper and selenium. But you have to make sure to balance all of the minerals when using supplements or you will cause an imbalance of another kind somewhere else in your body. For my thyroid I take selenium 200 to 400 mcg (very important), Iodorol or lugals iodine 50 mg (also very important), Vit C (a must with iodine supplements), B complex, D3, Zinc, and Copper.

Unfortunately there is no easy fix for graves disease. If you choose to use the anti thyroid drugs from your doctor you can have many other problems (I know I took them for a few months). If you choose surgery or radiation you will also have many other problems that will most likely last your entire life. So I choose to take all of these supplements instead. The reason you have the disease is because there are multiple imbalances in your mineral/ vitamins. It is a good idea to get a hair analysis to see what might be off in your minerals before you start supplementing. You can get them through reputible labs on line or through a naturopath. If you have anymore questions or would like more details on helpful info and supplements please feel free to contact me. I have researched thyroid issues non stop for many years now. I am on EC daily.


Replied by Suzzanne (Ravena, Ny) on 12/31/2011

Thank you for your reply and sharing your knowledge. I am trying to absorb everything I can before I go back to the Endo next month. My appointment is at the end of January so I am hoping that I can "load up" on info and dodge the treatment she will want to prescribe. It is really comforting knowing that you can do this with other remedies besides what they are going to offer.

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