Looking for help for brother for costochondritis

Posted By Virginia (Sacramento, Ca/usa) on 11/05/2011

Hello EC, I absolutely LOVE this website. I've learned SO much from the short amount of time I've discovered it. Okay, so I'm seeking help for my brother. He suffers from what I believe to be costochondritis. He has chest pains and his doctor has told him that it is not heart related. His doctor has not diagnosed this as being costochondritis, and has simply told him to lie down and put ice packs on his chest. Not good enough.

I'd like to find a natural remedy for my brother's pains. He says the pains center in the middle of his chest after excursion of any kind. He is not a natural health kind of guy, but he is very open to what I can help him with if it doesn't involve yet more of those nasty drugs. Can someone out there PLEASE give your input on this subject? I am seeking a natural remedy so that he doesn't have to keep taking meds. Is he deficient in something? He also has Diabetes II, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I'm simply trying to help him get off the meds and start doing something more healthy to cure his ailments. He's already impressed with what the ACV has done for him. I have not seen enough info on this website as pertains to costochondritis. I welcome any and all help. Thank you EC for all you do for us. What would we do without you? Virginia from California.


Replied by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv) on 11/06/2011

You may want to consider checking out a low level laser therapy pen or using EFT (emotional freedom technique). You can also google healers as there are many healing practitioners out there that can help with this type of pain.

Replied by Cheekio (California) on 08/07/2016

Calcium Orotate. Google it for cure of costochondritis. I tried everything under the sun. The doctors will only give pain killers, my doc said he had costo too and there was no cure. He was wrong. I felt better after a week if taking it. 2 months later I'm fully cured. Trust me, and you will get your life back.

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