Looking for advice for abdominal pain

Posted By Cass (Cornwall) on 02/25/2014

Regarding Bowel and Abdominal Pain

Hi, am looking for advice, for quite a while now I have been passing mucus in my stool, I lose my appetite and when I do eat I get very bloated and have pain in my abdomen, I also feel flushed, sick, v tired and achey, can hardley walk some days. Comes in attacks that last a few days to a week. I feel hopeless and have to wait until middle of April to see a bowel specialist. I'm in need of advice as this is ruling my life. Thanks, Cass


Replied by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/26/2014

Cass: There are good and bad microbes. Eating cooked conventionally grown food that is low in nutrients and high in pollutants weakens the good microbes and bad microbes move in. The best remedy is home brewed water kefir. I make 1 gallon a day from 120g whole cane sugar and 160g whole flours. For a complete best foods program search raw food videos. The best supplements you can take are colostrum, oxy power, worm wood, black walnut hulls, and clove. These 3 herbs come together in a formula. You can also take papaya and pineapple. Crush or grind up the papaya seeds, add the pineapple and papaya, including the core, skin, stem, and grind up in the blender, and drink several times per day. The various medicines from various parts of the fruits are much more potent than just the pulp. When the fruit falls to the ground all the parts protect the seeds. The ingredients need to be organic.

Replied by Hashiaussie (Melbourne) on 02/27/2014

You might have SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. If so, try the FODMAPS diet, a scientifically designed diet from Monash University here in Melbourne. Do it for 4 to 6 weeks. If the symptoms reduce, then start reintroducing foods to see which ones cause the problems. There is a phone app you can get to check which foods are OK. Also search on SIBO on this site. Good luck.

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