Longstanding problem for fiance with sinus issues

Posted By Tziporrah-shir (Corbett, Or, USA) on 12/09/2009

Over a year ago, my fiance got a nasty but typical cold or flu. Ever since, he has been plagued by an over production of mucus in his sinuses. He has constant drainage and sometimes it triggers his gag reflex and gets into his lungs somehow and he has awful gagging, choking and coughing fits, followed by burping. Sometimes he sort of throws it up too. It is especially troublesome when he lays down. He is otherwise not sick. The mucus in his body is pretty constant. Any ideas as to what is going on and how we can stop this would be so appreciated!

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA) on 12/10/2009

First off, eliminate ALL dairy. That will be a huge help. Then, begin to alkalinize his body. Using hydrogen peroxide (see the section here on earth clinic) will also help speed up the process. I was having lots of problems with mucus early this year and my Chinese acupuncturist has told me that mucus creates all sorts of havoc in the body that people don't realize the connection. I actually just put hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip and put it up my nostrils sniffing it up. It was like a flood gate that opened and for 3 days I can't even tell you the amount of mucus that exited my body! That might be too harsh for him to take- the q-tip thing, but that's just what I did. You can try the method that most everyone uses here on earth clinic instead. At any rate, I have been very clear ever since then and now have completely eliminated dairy and cannot believe how different I feel. I won't turn back now! Lisa

Replied by Rachel (College Park, Md) on 12/13/2009

You should definitely dry Apple Cider Vinegar for the sinuses. I have had sinus problems for at least 7-8 years. I could not fully breath out of my nose. Within 4 days of adding ACV to my diet, my sinuses are completely clear. They started to drain by the second day. I did get a little sore throat as all the mucus thinned and started to clear. I cannot believe the changes in my energy level since taking ACV! My sinuses were giving me headaches everyday. I never went anywhere without a bottle of Excedrin. Now, 3 weeks of taking ACV, all sinus related ailments are GONE! Try taking 2 teaspoons 3 times daily with a little bit of water. It does not taste great, but so worth it!

Replied by Dott (Ft.lauderdale, Florida, Usa) on 12/13/2009

I have allergies and tend to sometimes get mucousy and stuffed-up when exposed to certain things-- like my dog.

Oral vitamin "C" helped, because it has anti-histamine properties, it would eventually opened up my sinuses and allowed them to drain, get rid of my sinus headache and pain, etc. -- but, it was slow, and high oral doses of vitamin C cause me to have other problems. So, I decided to get radical and try something new. I got a bottle of sterile saline nasal spray, popped the top off and added about a 16th of a tsp. of pure vitamin "C" powder to the spray. Closed it, shook it well, and tried 3 GENTLE spritzes per nostril side. My sinuses opened in less than 10 minutes and one treatment usually keeps me open all night long.

One WARNING -- A vitamin "C" powder added to a liquid like saline doesn't keep long, even with the preservatives added to the saline solution. I would switch to a new bottle monthly, or whenever you notice that the solution is turning golden. A drop of vitamin "E" may help the solution to keep longer, but I haven't tried that yet, I just buy a new saline spray and add fresh "C" powder monthly. Also, DON'T share your spray with anyone, even immediate family members. If they have sinus congestion, snoring, or sneezing problems, mix them their own, label and date it for them, and make sure THEY know to mix fresh solution for themselves monthly as well!!

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