Lichen sclerosis after getting genital warts 10 years ago

Posted By Danielle (Chilliwack, B.c) on 10/18/2009

I contracted g.w. About 10 yrs ago and had them removed with liquid nitrogen. They never came back. Now i have been told i have lichen sclerosis. So now i am fighting off this virus using aldara but it is too painful. I had a biopsy done on one side at the opening and it came back stage 2 cancerous. I cannot have a sex life because it hurts so bad with the friction.i have a very raw opening of my vagina that are like open sores that never heal....anything i can put on it to make the sores go away?

Replied by Liddabird (Portland, Or) on 08/05/2010

It really sounds like you need more close monitoring from a dermatologist or other specialist. Natural remedies are great, but your symptoms sound urgent. My dermatologist prescribed a topical steroid which helped a lot, but when I had thinning skin from frequent use, he opted for steroid injections, which I now get monthly. They work great, my symptoms have improved to the point that most symptoms have disappeared. Also, since I had untreated low thyroid function for years, I'm wondering if that was a factor.

Replied by L (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 08/16/2010

I suffer from the same problem. For me, steroid make it worst, not better. I've found that using apple cider vinegar at night helps however leaves the area very dry. After showering, I use a blend of hemp oil and olive oil, with a little vaseline intensive cocobutter lotion. I can't speak for everyone but it's the best solution that I've tried. Still suffer at times but not nearly as bad as it was years ago. I wish you luck.

Replied by Kiki (New York) on 09/29/2010

Have a look at the work of Christine Kent of the Whole Woman Centre. She has done a lot of work around Lichen Sclerosis.
Through diet and lifestyle changes, and basic herbs she suggests (but does not sell--not a sales pitch! ) women have found healing for their LS.

Replied by Mhdevil666 (Jerusaelm, Israel) on 01/30/2011

So I was diagnosed with LS over a year ago now, I'm now 19 and it took almost 3 years to figure out what was wrong till I went to a specialist thinking I had to have cancer, thank god I don't. My specialist told me the KY jelly helps the burning in general and using it during sex makes things a lot more comfortable, if your skin isn't inflamed at the moment but is dry, you can also try AnD ointment, if ur irritated it burns a bit otherwise it is really helpful, however do not use any other type of rash ointment they have things in them that really burn, experiance talking. Hope that helps :)

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