Latex allergy causing yeast infection type symptoms

Posted By Lotus (Greenwich, Ct, Usa) on 08/06/2012

I need some guidance. I am experiencing symptons like those of a Yeast Infection (I am very prone to getting them), the discomfort started after intercouse with a condom. The feeling of the condom was awful, it felt like a rough plastic. Immediately after I was feeling soreness and pain but it was until the next night that I started to feel an unbearable burning; by the following night I was red down there and the pain is just like a yeast infection. Due to the condom I am inclined to believe that it is a latex allergy, to be safe I bought a generic version of Monistat 3, just used it one night but I am not feeling any comfort yet. Any advice?

Replied by Sweetorange (Larnaca, Cyprus) on 08/07/2012

Hi, Lotus, I can't comment on the latex allergy; but you could consider going to the pharmacy and picking up a bottle of iodine douche. Iodine kills yeast. The yeast infection implies a couple of things: First, that maybe your intestinal flora are out of balance. A course of probiotics may help. Second, maybe you need to reduce the carbohydrates in your diet, as they cause elevation in blood sugar after meals and acidosis, providing a terrain favorable for yeast growth. I hope you feel better soon!

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