Keloid Removal and Food Recipe Suggestions?

Posted By Jen (Rockford, Il) on 06/21/2010

Hello Ted from Bangkok, I wanted to know. What kind of recipes do you have for a woman who wants her keloid growth to stop on her ear. And who eats lots of sugary foods. I am almost addicted to all of the things I'm not supposed to eat. I have found that when I drink beer, the keloid grows. I have been to a surgen to get the keloid removed. Are there any suggestions on diet, supplements, and a daily regimen to use to start off.. from detoxing from these many bad habbits.


Replied by Olatunji (Abuja, Nigeria) on 07/25/2010

I don't really tried anything except using aloe vera but it is not working as expected. Â Please I need a quick solution to my Keloid. Please I need the formula for the 50 50 by ted and the tea tree oil also that of the apple cider ginger. I will be very gratefull if some one reply as quick as possible

Replied by Amanda (Columbus, Ohio) on 10/25/2011

My husband has been using vitamin e oil on his chest and shoulder keloids and has seen some improvement thus far. There are many natural remedies you can try for keloids. We found a site that lists some of the natural home remedies for treating keloid scars.


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