Is there safe and natural treatment for ulcerative colitis

Posted By Lisa (Staten Island, New York) on 09/16/2012

i will keep this short and to the point. Please let me know a natural safe way to feel better and keep my UC in remission and/or permantely eliminate it totally. Im very nervous that my M.D. can do nothing more thand prescribe steroids that dont look for the cause and even at the very least have subsided my symptoms. I am a 34 year old female and 7 months pregnant on top of that. Im at my wits end and I am so depressed about what I read online about this disease. I cant see myself living the rest of my life like this and im worried about my children as well. Please if you have any suggestions that are safe and natural, let me know. Im currently writing this email from my laptop while lying in my bed in a hospital as they decide if I need a blood transfusion.

Replied by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 09/16/2012

Dear Lisa, sorry for your condition. Don't worry it will be alright. First focus on having a health baby, thereafter you can start your natural remedies to cure your ulcerative colitis.

Now to begin with, Take a cup of home made milk kefir daily. May be half cup in the morning in empty stomach and half cup in evening in empty stomach. However, there are no hard and fast rules to take milk kefir, you can take it anytime of the day.

Milk Kefir has Trillions of probiotic strains of bacteria and Good Yeasts which can immediately colonize your intestines and prevent any proliferation of bad bacteria, this prevents the inflammation of the intestines and cause the intestines to heal. Kefir will replenish your intestinal flora which was wiped because of antibiotic use.

And this will also increase your immunity and your baby's immunity. Milk kefir is rich in serotonin which can keep you calm and give a sense of well being. (that I am feeling great). Milk kefir is rich in nutrition that can be absorbed by the body. Milk Kefir is rich in digestive enzymes that can assist in your digestion and assimilation which is hampered by UC.

Starting from the day 2 you will feel that you are healed, however it will take time for your intestines to heal.

After giving birth to baby, you can take wheat grass juice 15 ml in morning mixed with 3times of water in empty stomach, this will heal your instestines and eliminate any pathogenic bacteria. You may have to take wheat grass juice for 2 months.

Which grass juice is rich in Iron, which can replenish your blood level that was lossed during labor.

There is another auyurvedic treatment that can cure UC in one week.

1. Take 1 tsp of bael fruit powder and 1 tsp of Licorice root powder and mix in cold water set it aside for half an hour. Filter the water and Drink in empty stomach early in the morning and in the evening.

Bael Fruit is a very potent antibiotic, anti viral, anti parasitic fruit that grows in south asia.

Licorice Root powder is the best Gastro intestinal tract healer and rejuvenator from esophagus to rectum. It promotes the cell growth of your intestines.

But this ayurvedic treatment you can try at a later time if you are not cured even after taking milk kefir or wheat grass juice.

I hope you will be alright in the next month by milk kefir. Good Luck


Replied by Sp (Wb, New Jersey, Usa) on 09/16/2012

Hi Lisa, in my seemingly never-ending quest to cure my eczema, I recently came across the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It is for various bowel diseases including UC. I am thinking about trying it, as I am desperate. (I went gluten-free out of desperation over the eczema a little over a year ago and that has proved to be the best thing I have ever done for my health in many ways, but it sent me into a massive healing crises that started last November and is still going. My eczema is worse but pretty much everything else is getting better - arthritis, rosacea, plantar fasciitis, edema, underarm odor, heat rashes, abdominal pain, bloating-tummy and face, weight, age spots, brain fog - go figure. ) Search for "Specific Carbohydrate Diet" and "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" which seems to be the definitive book on it. Good luck!

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/16/2012

Hi Lisa, I see Ed2010 gave you some great ideas. I also wanted to add an excerpt from Dom's site which I gave a link to yesterday for someone else inquiring about kefir. He actually cured himself from ulcerative colitis with kefir. Here it is:

I thought this info might be helpful to you. Best to you, Lisa


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 09/17/2012

Lisa, so many factors can contribute to U. C.

First, Diet. Eliminate all processed and adulterated foods as possible. Minimize or totally eliminate the use of Microwave Oven. Check for certain food allergies like Glutin found in wheat and other grains. Second begin taking a natural antibiotic for possible if not likely pathogen infection; Grapefruitseed Extract, Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf Extract, Garlic, among others are indicated. Third, Parasite infestation is routinely overlooked in modern medicine even though it is more prevalent than estimated. When the condition declines to debilitating levels even though one is young and otherwise healthy, any number of Parasite species can be culprits. So, in addition to the natural antibiotics (which are also mildly antiparasitic) purchase an herbal "Black Walnut Complex" or "Parasite Formula" at your health food store.

Also, to strengthen and heal the intestines supplement w/ Vit-A and Zinc. The natural supplement Butyric Acid helps restore colon function. Use all the products according to the labeled suggestion, and read for contraindications during pregnancy.

Hope this helps and good luck.


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