Is There Anything I Can Do for a Cyst on the Perineum?

Posted By Mimi (Georgia) on 09/16/2015

Hello. We are a month away from welcoming a new baby and I have been suffering from a medium sized cyst (maybe) in the perineum area. I have used witch hazel pads, warm water/baths, but its still there. It seems to flare up at times as well. Is this pregnancy related? Has anyone else dealt with this? Also, I received a few stiches in that area from a previous birth and wonder if it could be scar tissue? My obgyn wants to wait until I deliver or shortly thereafter, especially if I happen to tear, which my midwife is strictly against letting happen, so she can see exactly what is going on. Any suggestions or advice would be great. Thank you.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/17/2015

Dear Mimi,

I take it this is a continual irritation because you don't want to wait until after the birth of your baby.

Definitely pregnancy can cause things to "flare up." I have developed skin tags during pregnancy before. The body is in "growing mode" when you are pregnant.

I think scar tissue is a reasonable possibility. I wonder if it is a keloid scar?

Because of pregnancy you are limited in what you can try. But raw organic apple cider vinegar is considered safe in pregnancy. You could dilute it (1 part vinegar and 3 parts water) and apply some to the cyst after each trip to the ladies room. If it burns or bothers you, dilute it more. That is the first thing I would try myself.

I hope it resolves soon and that you have a safe and healthy birth!

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Mimi (Georgia) on 09/18/2015

Great advice, MamaTM. "Growing" mode and possible keloid makes a lot of sense. And what doesn't ACV do? Love the stuff! :)

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