Is there any topical treatment for vaginal thrush

Posted By Ella (Sydney, Australia) on 12/13/2012

I've been reading through the posts here and have not come across much for topical treatments for vaginal thrush. I've heard about yogurt, ACV, colloidal silver etc but i've not found any treatment that has given me any lasting relief from my recurring thrush infections. I have been told at the vulva clinic that around 5% of women have a hypersensitivity syndrome to candida, which can often be a cause for vulvodynia and other pain syndromes affecting the vulva. I was going out of my mind, but after a long investigation it turns out the culprit was candida causing my pain, itching, intense burning and difficulty with sex. I know external treatments wont cure it, but might at least give some relief. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed and appreciated!

Replied by Nicholas (Edison, N.j. Usa) on 01/23/2013

I am very big on detoxifying the body for whatever ails us. I recommended a detox kit (herbal remedies for liver, kidneys and lymph system) to a 70 year old lady. She told me it healed her toenail infection and vaginal infection.

Replied by Tara (Atlanta, Georgia) on 10/22/2013

I just read your post and knew that I should reply. 10 years ago or so I had this problem and my naturepath put me on wild harvested oregano oil capsules. Titrating to 6 a day. This was very effective and lasting to dumb down yeast. I get back on if I've eaten desserts.

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