Is my medication causing bladder issues

Posted By Atul (Sterling, Tx) on 02/04/2013

My husband, 43 yrs. old, takes medicines for cholesterol with a low dose, has to get up every night while in the middle of his sleep to use the restroom for urination, thereafter looses his sleep after that. He's been experiencing this problem for almost 3-4 months now and wouldn't know how to help this. He's been on medication for a year now. Don't know what could it be due to? Any suggestions please?

Replied by Molly (Corte Madera, Ca) on 05/01/2013

Sorry to hear about this. I used to get up one or two times a night and thought this was totally normal as this was the case with family members and Oprah :). I later had terrible insomnia that I treated first with drugs but later cured with diet and a temporary supplement to regulate my cortisol levels in the evening. I went off sugar first, then gluten, then dairy. I discovered I no longer needed any of the meds I was taking (one for sleep, one for the side effects from the first - depression). Amazingly to me, I have never had to get up at night to urinate since. I don't know if your husband's meds could be effecting his hormones (I now know my problem was a hormone imbalance), but trying an elimination diet or adjusting his medication might be something to explore. Speaking with a naturopath might also help as you search for an answer. It seems like daily ACV, oil pulling, and/or eating naturally fermented, live foods like sauerkraut might be other things to try just to increase immunity and strengthen his system in general by countering or flushing out toxins. Good luck! Hope you both are sleeping better soon :)

Replied by Sunny (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 06/30/2013

He should check his prostate.

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