Is It Okay to Drink Hydrogen Peroxide in This Rosacea Remedy From Ted?

Posted By Beccabear122 (Green Bay, Wisconsin, US) on 04/25/2012

Hi, I have a question about Ted's Remedy for rosacea. I have seen the updated version in which it talks about adding 1/8 to 1/4 tsp of Borax AND 30 drops 3% hydrogen peroxide to a liter of drinking water. Is this correct? I have done the Borax before and had no side effects, but drinking hydrogen peroxide? Is this really okay? Just confirming... Thank you!

Replied by G Shannon (Eads, Tennessee) on 04/29/2012

Don't know that I would drink it for something like Rosecea. I might try spraying a 3% solution mixed with aloe. Also, If I hadn't tried it I would take 1500 milligrams of pantothentic acid twice daily. Take once around noon and once prior to bedtime.

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