Is anyone suffering from tailbone issues

Posted By Esprit64 (North Yarmouth, Maine Usa) on 07/06/2011

Anus/Tailbone/Butt Issues

I wondered if there was anyone else on Earth Clinic that is suffering with my similar anus/tailbone problems and if you believe they are related to the liver--or yet another symptom of Candida overgrowth? The patch of skin over my tailbone area is extremely red and raw to touch, it's almost like I was just severely burned. The skin patch and remaining rectal area is quite red. There is no itching or other discharge. This condition comes and goes and as often as I've tracked it, I cannot associate it with any injury or diet/food issue. Has anyone had such problems and if so, do you know what causes it and how did you treat it? Thank you.


Replied by Esprit64 (North Yarmouth, Maine Usa) on 07/23/2011

To temporarily resolve the discomfort of what I was experiencing, I used a baby wipe simply for the convenience of using a larger towel surface (dispose in garbage, not your toilet), and doused it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. I wiped my bottom down 3x daily, followed by coconut oil. Within two days, the worse was over and the condition was gone by 5 days.

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