Is anyone dealing with prickly heat

Posted By Rick (Vancouver, Canada) on 03/31/2009

Is there anyone out there dealing with prickly heat? and if you are or know how to get rid of it, could you PLEASE help me out. I've been dealing with prickly heat off and on for about 20 yrs and currently this bout of it has lasted a year.

Apperently it's some sort of bacteria that blocks your sweat glands causing a painfull pricking sensation when you sweat, but the sweat never gets to the surface of the skin, it gets trapped under the skin causing painfull tiny blister like bumps all over the body.

I'm not overweight and considered pretty healthy for 42, but when I try to do something active, for eg/ hiking, running, and biking I'm not able to sweat and have to deal with first the prickly heat then I overheat because of the lack of sweat to cool me down and eventually get very weak,dizzy and tired. This is a scarry feeling because I could be out in the middle of nowhere and not have the energy to get back. Doctors say its an allergic reaction and prescribe a antihistimine. THIS DOES NOT WORK!!!. I'm still dealing with this and I want my active life back, I shouldn't have to live my life looking for water in rivers, lakes, hoses on houses to cool down when I over heat. Please help if you can!

I want to sweat again! I've seen a few remedies on the net, but not sure if I want to give my money away to an unknown source. Do they work?



Replied by Barefoot Allen (Welaka, Florida) on 11/08/2009

Drink More Water. I'm not kidding. If I feel a small itch, I drink 16oz. & it will go away. I drink about 8 bottles a day, more in the summer. Sometimes I take magnesium & calcium tablets so I don't get leg cramps, caused by drinking too much water.

Replied by Jordan (Houston, Tx) on 12/08/2009

recently ive started pouring water on me whenever i work out o whatever, it seems to help the needle sensation. I think exfoliating the skin might help, when i took a shower a couple of weeks ago and noticed that after using a wash rag i started to sweat alittle latter at work. This is the most annoying thing, I wish i could have my life back to where i can just enjoy things more. Begging for a cure! Ive recently started oil pulling, so we'll see where that goes.. Also I think peppermint tea helps.

Replied by Whispergently (Timmins, Ontario Canada) on 12/24/2009

To Jordan from Texas and Rick from Vancouver, you will need to read Dr. Williams newsletter in regards to Castor Oil and in his letter he explains the lymphatic system which has not been researched very much by the medical profession. He writes this sentence: "The capillaries then gradually become larger and form veins through which the unoxygenated, waste-carrying blood returns back to the lungs and then to the heart to be recirculated time and time again". Do a search on Wikipedia about capillaries and you'll see that they write that it enables the exchange of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide.

Therefore given that one sentence and the explanation of capillaries I believe you'd benefit from Castor oil.

Please email me at [email protected] and I'll forward you the rest of the information, I will be infringing upon copyright laws if I post his newsletter. It has a wealth of benefits and information.

Replied by Jordan (Houston, Texas) on 01/04/2010

So I have been using Castor oil on all the areas that i usually get the prickly heat in. I honestly still havent seen a change yet. I also tried raw honey on the spots to see if it would clean out my skin. Im still using the castor oil so I guess I'll give it more time. Since prickly heat is usually caused by pores being blocked shouldnt I use something to try and clean them out? I've been using ACV. I noticed on my chest that when I get warm I see little white bumps on areas of my skin..Is this sweat that has been trapped under my skin? I want these things to open up or something so that I can be relieved when I get hot. I also read that a clay mask could possibly be used?

Replied by Rob (Vancouver, Bc) on 12/15/2010

Prickly Heat Powder from British Dispensary in Thailand is the BEST. I have never had anything work as good as this product. Classic is good but anit-bacterial is better. Both work!

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