Information Needed About BHT

Posted By Abbby (Canada) on 09/17/2015

Hi Oscar, I am 27 years old, I went to the doctor for a normal blood work, and after he told me I tested positive to hepatitis b and that it is in the acute stage. I am so confused, as I dont have any symptoms. Please how do the bht drug work? Where will I get it from? How will I take it, and what are the chances of recovering totally from it?

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 09/19/2015

A: Oscar is not currently able to participate full-time here so I will cover the basics for you and maybe you will prosper from there or maybe Oscar can help with any issues of a more challenging nature, as per your condition and progress.

BHT is not classified as a "drug" per say, rather it is a synthetic antioxidant used commercially for preservation of vegetable oils. Oscar read a remote article many yrs ago about a finding that BHT had antiviral properties, so he gave the BHT a trial for his Hep disease with very good results and has been a proselyte for BHT ever since.

You can buy BHT in bulk or capsules from online retailers like EBay or Amazon. The recommended dosage for treating viral hep is 250-350 mg 1x day w/ water on an empty stomach. You should experience a somewhat or drastic viral numbers reduction in about 3 months and may need to take BHT for up to 1 yr. If BHT alone doesn't cure the viral disease, there are other natural remedies like Lysine, Echinacea, St John's Wort, and Chanca Piedra.


Replied by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/22/2015

Thank you Timh for helping out with BHT questions. Timh is right about me not being as available as I once was. He also knows about as much as I do about the BHT. It works for many but not all people for hepatitis B and C in the different variants of those diseases.

I only wish to add that keeping the BHT treatment simple is what consistently works best. By that I mean to NOT be taking other supplements other than a standard multi vitamin and mineral supplement and vitamin C supplements. This is true for a very many drugs and alternative treatments. I notice on TV that the different drugs being promoted warn against taking a very many additional drugs and herbal supplements while using the drug being promoted. There is no way of knowing how the different supplements will effect the treatment. So keep the BHT treatment simple for best results. Thanks for helping out Timh, ...Oscar


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 09/23/2015


I am so relieved that there appears to be no long-term bad feelings after a brief spat between us some time back. I try to balance being truthful & bold and not step on anyone's toes, especially those who are going thru trials & tribulations of their own. Not harboring bad feelings is important in the healing process.

I hope I got the basics of BHT down well, and I think that BHT does occur naturally very rarely as that's how it was discovered. You are certainly more a left-brain scientist type than myself, that's why I defer any of the analytical BHT stuff your better judgment, as it goes over my head.

As for drug & supplement contradictions, most of the problems are from pharmaceuticals, and natural nutritionals and medicinals are quite safe. There are a number of plants that are banned or on watch-list for any dangers. Always read the drug information info especially if taking multiple meds. Always read "suggested use/dosage" on supplements.

I am currently down to about 2 caps of BHT per wk as my chronic viral hep is less a problem, although I still take Lysine & St John's Wort daily, along with tons of other nutritional supplements as I have been so near death for so long.

Hope you are making progress with that chronic pain problem, get the corrective surgery that's needed, and get back home for the winter.

While I have you near, it is a touchy subject with a stigma association, but time is proving more-and-more the health benefits of Cannabis, particularly (in your case) a great adjunct to opioids. Many folks max out on opioids and are yet unable to get pain free, but using therapeutic medical marijuana can both reduce the opiates and get the pain reduced to tolerable levels. With your level of scientific education, you should be able to get deep into the complex nature of the endocannabinoid systems found in many warm-blooded animals including humans and the magical external cannabinoids found in Cannabis Indica & Cannabis Sativa. There is a theory that this synergistic relationship between Cannabis and warm-blooded animals goes way, way back to our earliest existence and continued for thousands, millions of yrs, and is very much a part of our success in survival as a species, along with many other animals. I once used marijuana recreationally and at times chronically with many a benefit and very little bad side effects until I got unable physically or legally to continue. It has been a heart-break to have made this unfortunate departure. But, thank God that Hemp Oil/CBD has been a life-saver since I started using it about 1.5 yrs ago.

If reading & concentrating is a difficulty (like it is currently with me) there are a number of educational YouTube videos on the subject. The latest is a very fine documentary on the "father of Cannabis research" Nobel price nominee Dr Mechoulam.

Do update us on how you are doing.


Replied by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/23/2015

My Dear Friend Timh,

How could you think there was ever any bad feelings between us? We may have had some disagreements I do not even remember, but I always and still do think of you as my friend. You are one of my favorite people here at this forum. A fellow sufferer like me who still makes the effort to help others including me. I am going to spend some time reading your last message to me and want to thank your for such a detailed response. I know the effort that goes into such a response.

To all who asked about the BHT treatment for hepatitis B and C: The treatment is the same.

It is BHT taken with water only on an empty stomach. The dosage varies depending on how much you weigh, how old you are, how sick you are, how well you tolerate BHT.

So for people who weigh 125 pounds or less: one 250mg of BHT per day should be enough and might be too much. For people who weigh 150 pounds to around 200 pounds a second dose of 250mg of BHT per day is about right. People who weigh over 200 pounds might benefit from a third dose of 250mg of BHT per day. If any undesirable effects are experienced ALWAYS lower the dosage used or quit taking BHT altogether.

People who are suffering liver failure need to be especially careful when taking BHT. Those capsules are easy to pull apart so you can start out with very small amounts of BHT to find out how well you tolerate it. And like I have said so many times now: Keeping the BHT treatment simple is what produced the best results for most people.

I will leave you with what Gene had to say a couple of years ago.

And, this just in as reported at THE BHT CURES CHAT GROUP:

My blood test came in and I'm very excited.

January 2013 my Load counts were very high.

AST= 160

ALT= 155

Viral Load Count = 10 million

I have had HCV for 50 years and never really took it serious until I started feeling pain in my liver earlier this year. That's when I started getting worried and Found Oscars BHT protocol . I started the BHT about 3 weeks before getting a blood test done and I knew right away it was helping me because the pain I had went away about 3 days after starting. I had my blood drawn Dec 20 2013 and here is the results.

AST= 84

ALT= 120

Viral Load Count = 1 million

Wow!!! I was floored and excited. pretty dramatic for only doing BHT for 3 weeks.

But my Platelet count is low =78 but it's been low for at least a year that I know of. It should be 140 - 415.

I will get my next test done in a few months and will post results. Thanks for finding this BHT Oscar.


If those are not great results I don`t know what is. Remember to keep it simple: NO milk thistle, NO grapefruit juice. Just those few vitamins in moderate dosages I discussed....Oscar


Now I remember Gene and that low platelet count was caused by his taking 1 tsp. of turmeric per day. Once he stopped taking the turmeric, his platelet count rapidly returned to normal numbers.

There are quite a few equally dramatic recovery stories out there in the blogosphere. I will post a few more when I find them. Some of the best are in the Earth Clinic archives somewhere....Oscar


Replied by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/23/2015

Here is a report from an HIV patient who was or is infected with hepatitis C type 1a. He cut his HCV viral load in half in one week using BHT as discussed here:

Yes he did. He used one 250mg capsule of BHT twice a day = 500mg of BHT per day to do so as reported here:

I'm HCV genotype 1a. I was diagnosed with HIV in 2008 and then HCV at the end of 2012. My HIV viral load was at about 500,000 copies/ ml with a t-helper count of 184 & my HCV (genotype 1a) viral load was at 3.5 million copies/ ml. I started taking HIV meds (Complera) in May of this year (2013), and within one month my HIV viral load was reduced to about 1,500 copies/ ml, and within 2 months is now down to 500 copies/ ml, with a t-helper count of 230. About 4 weeks ago I started taking BHT (250mg, 2x daily). After one week, I met with my HCV doctor for the first time and told her of the BHT self-treatment I was doing, only to be scolded and told that "I shouldn't be doing it, it was crap, it would only interfere with the treatment that I was/ would be receiving". Well, I got my labs done that day as well, and have just found out that after only one weeks worth of self treatment, my HCV viral load has cut itself in half to 1.75 Million copies/ ml. I must admit, it was very difficult for me to get them to tell me the results of my labs over the phone.. The nurses kept giving me the run around saying they hadn't come in yet, even after two weeks of taking them. Today I demanded they tell me. What a pleasant surprise! I can not wait to go back and have my labwork taken again, to see how much farther my viral load can drop after a month, as compared to the ONE week! I'll keep ya'll posted!
Thanks and kudos to all that post in this group.. Especially to Oscar.

Now I have omitted his name. But if you wish to you can find our BHT CURES CHAT GROUP by doing a google search with those four words. That message can be found by clicking MOREv and then LINKS and then BHT success stories part 2. Those are pretty amazing results for what is now one of the most deadly and hardest to treat of infections for HIV infected persons....Oscar

The BHT CURES CHAT GROUP no longer exists.

But this posting along with so many others is what helped me establish dosage guidelines for the BHT treatment for hepatitis C. These dosages are also the same or close to what I used to successfully treat my hepatitis C and B infections.

I do not wish to hog the forum today. But I might not be back again for I don`t know how long. I wanted to post some of the success stories to illustrate how or why I came up with the dosages of BHT I came up with. These are the dosage ranges that did work for myself and many others.

I surely do not think I am a brilliant person. I got lucky and got it right the first time with myself as the patient. My recommendations are simply what worked for me. The dosages discussed taken with water on an empty stomach without any other supplements except a regular type multi vitamin pill now and then along with an occasional vitamin C tablet. But that is what has worked for these other people also....Oscar


Replied by Rsw (Oh) on 09/24/2015

Hi Oscar,

I don't know where you're going, but I hope you are getting the medical help you need. We send our best wishes for a successful treatment and we look forward to your return to health and to Earth Clinic. You will be missed. Many prayers go with you, along with our thanks for the many people you have helped and healed. Take care.


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