In crisis every day with severe chemical sensitivities

Posted By Debra (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 04/27/2010

HELP! IM DESPERATE..... this is not a life, its hell all day long, the longest, most agonising death you can imagine, every day, for decades, Im in crisis all day every day, running for my life, severely allergic, dirt, grass, trees - severe reaction, very bad mcs so if anybody comes anywhere near me severe body pain, become very weak, often fall down, knives in my stomach, immediate migraine, one small exposure affects me for hours, cant go into shops, buildings, peoples homes or cars. My home made me so sick I abandoned that years ago. Diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, went to a support group meeting and passed out. I cant go near people or into buildings. I have been living in an old well taken care of car and mostly outside for over 3 years the pain is SO bad when I go inside. cfs, mcs people offered me a room but even in their places at best I would fall down with the worst case of the flu and couldnt move or (Im sure it was the paint on their walls) it would burn my nerves so I was screaming in pain.
It seems to attack the nerves inside my nose first, then my whole face, head caves in, like knives, being stabbed in the head, then lights up all the other nerves in my body and Im screaming in pain. Sometimes it feels like a plastic bag over my brain. At other times like Im standing in a fire, all my tissue is being burnt. HELP!

Food allergies as a child undiagnosed and untreated. Had never heard of anything like food allergies & had disinterested parents. Im 49. 17 yrs ago contacted ross river, glandular fever, barvon forest, kept on working, pushed on through, I dont get sick but the pain was unbearable. Took 10 yrs for fibromyalgia diagnosis, the key then was seratonin so trialled all the antidepressants. Of course, only 1/2 tab would cripple me in pain for days. Used to be locked up, muscles like concrete, physio at the pain clinic said I had the worst bound up thorasic shed ever seen but life got much worse when the chemical sensitivities kicked in 5 years ago. Cant understand how dumb I am for not recognising how much worse the pain was when I ate.

Ive tried different diets, supplements, herbs, fms drugs, my hormone count is nil so to supplement hormones - everything made me ILL!!! as ill as ill as you could ever feel THE PAIN! Anything that passes by my lips, it seems like all food and inhalants....

Hair analysis says ca, mg, most metals poisoning my tissues, sulfur, zinc, c, e, efas deficient, anemic due to cu poisoning. Blood levels show high lead, ca. Brain scan shows very advanced calcium blocked arteries & depression of course & small aneurism.

I have a lot of trouble breathing but its the smell of everything.... if it blocks my nose and caves in my head then Im in real trouble. The fatigue is unbearable and indescribable but of course I cant sleep because of the pain. Theres not much I can eat.

My adrenals have failed. I dont make any cortisol. My thyroid is sluggish but not bad enough to need any medication. Blood tests show first signs of kidney problems.

I take MS contin - just 1 a day, I hate drugs but Id jump off a bridge, & I have to take the cortisol to replace what Im not making which hasnt done a lot to help & asthma med. to try to make up for my deficiencies Take B, C, E, zinc, iron, enzymes, probiotics, b6, p5p, selenium, Im really low in potassium so that, niacin & gingko because my circulation is so bad, couple of things to help me detox, nac, carnosine, for energy; acetyl l carnitine, beta glucan, used to take anything that was supposed to be an immune support. phosphatidylcholine and flaxseed oil.
the being sulfur & enzyme deficient & not being able to absorb proteins, I have degenerated/bulging discs, viruses & metal poisoning, this theory sounded good - I thought this was it but protein powders make me ill & increasing my protein & enzyme intake hasnt made any difference.

Have you heard of anything like this? Paper makes me ill. Of course, electricity makes me ill, mobile phones, computers.

I cant study your web page because of the electricity. Im in more pain and lose any ability to comprehend anything.
My doctor is suggesting brain inflammation is responsible for the wrong gating information about all the smells etc and pushing me to take lyrica to slow down the nerve impulses. Of course, it put me in great pain.

Do you have any advice for me?


Replied by Debra (Bribane, Australia) on 04/27/2010

fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivity

Ted, All your treatments seem to be around becoming less acidic. SEVERE PAIN but my hair analysis shows my tissue to be too alkaline. My stomach is too alkaline. Taking bicarb, lemon juice etc would be a disastor. My arteries seem to be clogged with ca but Im only young. Did I say the pain is extreme. And have become SO ALLERGIC. Seem to be copper poisoned too, adrenals have failed. Im doing your borax treatment but what else can I do?


Replied by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio) on 04/29/2010

Hi Debra, I had a hair analysis done too which showed high levels of alkaline minerals. However, there was also high levels of metal, etc., and my liver is sluggish. So if your liver is sluggish then those minerals will build up in your body and metals, I think, because the liver can't get rid of them and other toxins.

I also found out that I have gallstones which means my liver isn't working properly. I use the alkaline methods just fine, including lemon, I would recommend you follow what Ted says because he's right.

I would also suggest that you start doing enemas to detoxify your liver, coffee enemas, and eating kefir to add good bacteria to your body to help rebuild your immune system!

I also have chemical sensitivity and chronic fatigue and a host of other problems, but after four months of cleansing my liver, things are better, although the chemical sensitivity remains but I think after a year things will be better...especially once I get rid of the gallstones and candida that are blocking the liver.

I can tell you of a cleanse that I have been using successfully, liver/gallbladder cleanse. Two egg yolks (lecithin) at room temperature, three limes softened and juice squeezed into the egg mixture, and 1 T. of olive oil, stir and drink. This will help to cleanse your liver, do it on a day you can stay near the toilet. Then one hour after the drink do an enema, preferably a coffee enema. I add probiotics to my coffee enema which are calming, I also add plant aloe sometimes. This cleanse will help you to get rid of ALL KINDS of bacteria that may be congesting your liver or gallbladder, trust me I've seen some awful stuff come out! Right now I'm doing this once a week and it's the best cleanse that I've done!!! I also drink acv in lots of water..32 ounces, 3 T., the day before doing this cleanse because it softens up the gallstones!

Replied by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 04/30/2010

Reply to Debbie, You are certainly suffering badly. For my own pain levels which had become chronic I finally discovered the blood type diet..believe me it really works. By sticking religiously to the "medicine" foods the improvement in pain began for me within 48hrs. Transgressions can lead to the pain coming back ( again with a 48hr lead time) but as long as you stick with it the pain stays away and lots of other ailments disappear as well. I'm sure it will help you.

Other remedies to try are borax and sodium thiosulfate for heavy metal detox. I must add one more and that is "the water cure". I have had some amazing results using this therapy also. Kind regards.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 05/07/2010

Hi Debra...Your issues with high magnesium and high calcium might indicate very low potassium levels or very poor mineral regulation by the kidneys. Also your ADHD in the past could indicate low iodine levels and you may have heavy metal as well as fluorine issues.

Here is what Ted says about adrenal fatigue:

"Adrenal fatigue: There are a couple of supplements that help adrenal fatigue, and calcium is not one of them. They seem to worsen the condition and promote blood clotting, but also restricts blood flow from that also. The other supplements besides vitamin C, magnesium, is the vitamin E, chromium 1000 mcg, and DHEA. Tin deficiency tends to occur with adrenal, but the dose is very low, usually 2 mg-5 mg of Tin chloride. I doubt they sell that, but it seems to help depression that goes with it. The iodine supplement is taken along with the vitamin C 500-1000 mg, 1-2 drops for lugol's solution. During the afternoon, a quick pickup, might be taking some betaine HCl, which adds energy to the body if taken during that time. If there's still problem I have other remedies up my sleeves also. It's important to eat lighter meals during lunch and drink plenty of water during that time, so that the energy of digestion is not depleted from lack of water. It requires the body less energy if water is drank during the lunch hour plus lighter meals. Water acts as a catalyst and allow the food to be better digested."

Judging from your history of ADHD, allergies and excessive calcium in the brain all these would indicate excess fluorine(as calcium fluoride). There are many ways to get rid of fluorine besides borax.

* Methylene Blue(MB) has been mentioned by Ted as a good agent to get rid of calcium from the brain, also helping greatly with Altzheimer's. It is also a super mitochondrial anti-oxidant at the cell level so will give you much more energy as well. It is also an effective anti-fungal that has been used for over 100 years as an anti-malarial. You must also take Vitamin C when using MB -- otherwise it turns the whites of your eyes blue and your urine green. You can buy MB at any aquatic store. Just dilute it down to 0.1% and use 2-3 drops a day in a glass of water.

* I think you need to supplement iodine also. This will leech out and remove fluorine, bromine and chlorine as well as lead and mercury from your body. Iodine is also a mainstay support for your immune system. You can take iodine as kelp tablets, lugol's solution, Iodoral tablets or simply paint the soles of your feet with tincture of iodine(I do this) twice a week. If you start sweating more and your nose runs constantly, then cut back on the foot-painting to only once a week.You should also take Vitamin C with iodine, this tends to activate the iodine and make it more useful to the body.

* Supplement once a week with with 6-10 drops of Sodium Thiosulphate(ST) in a glass of water once a day. ST has been used for years by the medical profession to remove heavy metals and chlorine safely from the body after cancer chemotherapy. You can also buy a plain 10% solution of ST from any aquatics shop.

* Drinking Green Tea 3 times a day and eating Cilantro or Coreander leaf 3 times a week in a salad would also be very effective at removing heavy metals from the body.

I'm over sixty and I still use every one of these remedies and can vouch for all of them. They have helped me alot. I also still take Ted's lime/lemon plus baking soda remedy regularly. I had candida and Lord knows what else wrong with me and got rid of it all, and now no more aches and pains, no more low energy, and I'm healthy again. You have plenty of effective options here. I would also recommend borax as a good idea, I also use this regularly to both remove fluorine and as a very effective fungal killer and general hormone balancer.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 05/25/2010

Hi Debra...Best to buy the Sodium Thiosulhate from an aquatics shop, this chemical will have to be pure from this source -- otherwise it would kill the fish.

You don't have to use Sodium Thiosulhate if you don't want to. You could also use Green Tea or Cilantro, as suggested above. Chlorella will also remove heavy metals from your body and do the job well.

Replied by Debra (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/27/2011

I have used all of them, supplemented the potassium, iodine, sodium thiosulphate, green tea, cilantro, coffee enemas, acv, vco, charcoal, antioxidants, everything except the methylene blue - not so easy to get, vitamin C, mg, vitamin E, chromium 1000 mcg, and DHEA as you suggested. borax, h202, staying away from flouride, liver flushes make me too sick but take milk thistle. Dont eat fats. Not sure if I should be having some flaxseed oil since Im in so much pain. Could we be looking at the wrong thing? What about intracellular bacteria? Im in severe pain. trying to dampen down phase 1 liver with real grapefruit juice, sulfur pathway is way open (maybe because I was drinking a little dmso as a trial) but other phase 2 are low. I take glycine, glutathione - even though I know it doesnt absorb well.

I was a positive person but this is 18 yrs, the pain is too much for me, I may have been permanently damaged, such long exposures to things I couldnt tolerate - especially food. I cant bear listening to anymore new age people - choose fun or choose morphine.


Replied by Emi (Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina) on 03/23/2014

Debra! You are supplementing WAY too much - your liver can not detoxify and your MCS worsens - STOP! Take iodine, NAC and vit C, or whatever, don?t take it all at the same time! Gosh!

Replied by Esai (Houston, Texas) on 04/29/2018

Hi Debra, Sorry to hear about your pain. I think I can help, try NAET therapy or DNRS. I understand your pain and am in a similar position. Unfortunately my problems arise from a candida infection, bacterial infection, perhaps gallstones and severe food allergies that I can only eat a few things. I don't give up though and I stay positive. Good luck and best wishes. Also try the u switching technique. Let me know how it goes, cheers.

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