If parkinsons is fungal why does it run in families

Posted By Zebu (Montana) on 04/16/2015

I have read cures and causes, on this site, regarding Parkinson's Disease. My question is if it caused by a fungus or other outside problem, what is the answer, as to why it runs in families? My great aunt had it, my mom's brother has it, my mom has it, and now I think that I have it. I appreciate any thoughts anyone has on this.

Replied by Claire Aletheia (Edinburgh) on 04/16/2015

Maybe because family spend time together in their home and that home could have a bad case of mold? Just a thought...

Replied by Charity (Faithville , Us) on 04/16/2015

John Bergman video on the brain explains his take on Parkinsons, type 2 diabetes and alzheimers. I hope you find this interesting



Replied by Diamond (Ma.) on 04/17/2015

Fungus runs in families because the fungus/mold is in the house where you were born together, it's also cold and damp. I have the same thing. Doctors tell me the same ole/same ole stuff. So I am managing my own ship wreck.

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